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How to modify an armor?

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 Lorden Darkblade
06-03-2004, 11:05 AM
I want to know how to add + 10 charisma in an armor like Star Forge Robes (just an example).
I have the Kotor Tool and the GFFEdtior.
Do I need any other program?
How do I do it?
06-03-2004, 5:34 PM
If all you are going to do is add a +10 Charisma all you need is KotOR Tool and GFF editor. First you need to find the .uti file for the armor you want to edit then extract it using KT tool, then while in KotOR tool go to File>Open GFF and select the file you just extracted. Now you should have your .uti file for your armor open, so now all you do is click on the Properties tab, then double-click on a blank one to add a new property or double-click on a used one to edit the property, when you are done save and put the fil ein your override
 Lorden Darkblade
06-03-2004, 6:27 PM
I have the .uti to mstrrobe07 which is the Star Forge Robe.
But I dont know where to add and or remove the things.
Can you please explain a lil better cuz this is my first "MOD" :P
06-03-2004, 6:42 PM

1. you open the file by going: File > Open GFF files... and open your file

2. next you should see 4 tabs General, Properties, Description, and Comment. click on the properties tab.

3. Look at the farthest left column for a asterisk (sp?) , one of these things * , and double click on it.

4. the Item Property Editor should pop up and then it is pretty self explanatory in there.

5. when you've added all the properties that you want to all you have to do is save, exit and place the file in the override.
 Lorden Darkblade
06-03-2004, 7:43 PM
I'm trying to change the Revan Robe, and I keep getting this error for Revan Robe and the Star Forge Robe, both of them are already moded
I'll write the error here:
An unhandled exception has occurred in your applicantion. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.
If you click Quit the applicationn will be shut down immediately

Index was outside of the bounds of the array.
Then I click on details and get this:

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at System.Array.InternalGetValue(Int32 index1, Int32 index2, Int32 index3)
at System.Array.GetValue(Int32 index1, Int32 index2)
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.LateBinding .LateIndexGet(Object o, Object[] args, String[] paramnames)
at kotor_tool.cls2DA.GetIndiceData(Int32 rowNumber, String colName)
at kotor_tool.frmUTI_Editor.ReadPropsAndLoadGrid()
at kotor_tool.frmUTI_Editor.Setup()
at kotor_tool.frmUTI_Editor..ctor(clsUTI UTIClass)
at kotor_tool.frmMain.miOpenGFFFile_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.MenuItemData.Execute()
at System.Windows.Forms.Command.Invoke()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmCommand(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Mes sage& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Mess age& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage (Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(M essage& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

For example:

< jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the machine
rather than being handled by this dialog.
06-03-2004, 7:49 PM
I have no idea what all that means sorry
 Lorden Darkblade
06-03-2004, 7:53 PM
what is the number new version of the kotor tool?
06-03-2004, 8:00 PM
I had that same problem when trying to mod some already moded uti files. There's two ways I found to go about it you can either grap the unedited file with kotor tool or use the GFF editor directly on the file, but for me that can be a bit of a problem since it uses the number system and doesn't have the pop down windows like kotor tool.
 Lorden Darkblade
06-03-2004, 9:02 PM
Then please explain to me how to use the GFF because it's too differento from the kotor tool one...
06-03-2004, 10:32 PM
Check the thread do you want to mod kotor then start here ( thats where I started and learned most of the stuff I've done for myself and hope to put out in the near future.
 Lorden Darkblade
06-03-2004, 11:20 PM
lol dude....
All I want to know is how to use GFFEditor and not create a new entire game, you could have said how to add a +10 to charisma to an armor by there but nope.
Ok, fine by me.

PS.: Ive read all thsoe thread for like 10 times now and I still cant understand nothing on how to add +10 to charisma.
06-04-2004, 11:54 AM
Let's start over then. Which GFF editor are you using?
 Lorden Darkblade
06-04-2004, 11:55 AM
Roboius I think thats the name of the guy...
06-04-2004, 12:56 PM
I don't have the tools i need to give you a tutorial right now (I'm not at home) but you can have a look some of these documents:

There is info concerning .uti files as well as concerning the gff format.

if you're not familiar using a GFF editor, you may find this editor easier to use:
when you copy and paste, the info concerning the field ID will transfer as is and it can save you of some mistakes.
06-04-2004, 1:37 PM
If you'd like, I'll add +10 charisma to the Star Forge Robes for you, but I dont see what use charisma is when you're on the Star Forge...
 Lorden Darkblade
06-04-2004, 2:39 PM
How can I change the the skin of an Robe?
I already have the New skin ready, I want to know how to change it.
How do I do it?
06-04-2004, 3:36 PM
Here are the names of all the robes. Change the file name of your TGA to one of these.

For the ordinary Jedi Robes:

PMBI(Number from 01-04 inserted here)*
PFBI(Number from 01-04 inserted here)*

*01 replaces brown, 02 replaces black, 03 replaces red, and 04 replaces blue.

For the Star Forge/Revan's Robes:



*01 is Revan's Robes, 02 is Star Forge Robes.

Hope this helps. :)

Edit: Also, the second letter of every name corresponds to the gender, (E.X.-PMBJ01 will replace the brown robes for the male character.)
 Lorden Darkblade
06-04-2004, 4:15 PM
I have a Revan Robe that that dont has any .tga file but uses the Original Skin from the cut-scenes, the caped, hooded and masked one.
how do I make another robe of mine like that?
06-04-2004, 5:20 PM
That file is N_DarthRevan, so depending on the name of your file, N_DarthRevan**, where ** is the model variation I believe. (For example, I have an item called m_g_mstrrobe02, with a model variation of 2, so I name the file N_DarthRevan02)
06-04-2004, 5:41 PM
who's Revan Robe ? Exactly we need more information to be able to help you ReLoaD2K

If all you want is an new skin for the sf / dress lol
Sorry I hate that thing but to each there own .. um oh ya ok
so I assume you have the starforge texture extracted from KT ? In .tga

Open your paint proggy, photoshop or paint shop pro. copy the
Default background layer and begin....... many hours later save it as it's default name. tga at 32 bit with alpa channel drop in your override folder Now you have you’re texture instead of the default. If this is not what your looking for then please give us more info

06-04-2004, 6:03 PM
I think he has a new item and a new texture file, and needs the right name for the texture file.
 Lorden Darkblade
06-04-2004, 6:36 PM
The Robe I mention is RedHawke one's..
He dont have any .tga file for his Reva Robe with cape, mask and hood.
06-04-2004, 6:48 PM
Then what does he have? I'm confused...
 Lorden Darkblade
06-04-2004, 7:52 PM
Well I want to know how he uses that model and if I can use it too.
I'm asking cuz he dont use any .tga file so that made me curious.
06-04-2004, 8:32 PM
Ok what your talking about is that you have revens robe that in-game looks like Reven the way this was accomplished was be adding a disguise property to the items property list(this has be made many times in different ways) this is what it looks like in the gff editor

ChanceAppear[BYTE] =100
CostTable[BYTE] =0
CostValue[WORD] =0
Param1[BYTE] =255
Param1Value[BYTE] =0
PropertyName[WORD]=59 (refers to row in itempropdef*Disguise)
Subtype[WORD] =22 (refers to row in appearance.2da*reven

now as Im sure you know KT is the easyest tool to to edit item properties, but if for what ever reason it won't work(it could be the item that KT doen's like ;) ) you can use the gff editor.

now to add properties you will need to open you uti file in the gff editor and then expand the PropertiesList there will be properties already there if you don't want them then just delete node until the list is empty(otherwise if all you want to do is add leave it alone) To add new properties select a property node and hit ctrl+c to copy and then select PropertiesList node and hit ctrl+v to paste a new row.

OK so you want to add Charisma +10 as a property open itempropdef.2da the property you want is 0-Ability undersubtype you see IPRP_ABILITIES so now open IPRP_ABILITIES .2da and in this one you will see row 5-Charisma so now you have the number for the property and the subtype so your new property node will have these changes

PropertyName[WORD]=0 ( 0-Ability )
Subtype[WORD] =5 ( 5-Charisma )

no the property is defined but has no stat so now you need to open iprp_costtable.2da and the row you want is equal to the value in in column costtableresref which for Ability is 1 so now edit node

CostTable[BYTE] =1

to look like this, as you will see in iprp_costtable.2da row 1 refers to IPRP_BONUSCOST.2da so now we open that and now you can choose what value you want you want Charisma +10 so you need to change

CostValue[WORD] =10

Ok now your finnished property node will look like this

ChanceAppear[BYTE] =100
CostTable[BYTE] =1
CostValue[WORD] =10
Param1[BYTE] =255
Param1Value[BYTE] =0
Subtype[WORD] =5

save the file to override and use giveitem cheat to see if your new property works you can save your self a few keystrokes by nameing the uti 1.uti then all you would have type in the consol is

giveitem 1 ( just make sure you rename it to it's resref when the item is done.
06-04-2004, 8:48 PM
nice post T7! :)
06-04-2004, 8:57 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
nice post T7! :)

And to think Fred Tetra programed all that so we can do it in KT's item editor in just a few clicks. before that I needed to have like 20 2da's open just to add properties :)

Thanks Fred. :D
 Lorden Darkblade
06-04-2004, 9:12 PM
I only have 1 question, what does this do:
Param1[BYTE] =255
I was able to make myself the +10 charisma with the GFF by looking to your tutorial to increase saber dmg.
Now I'm curious to know what that do cuz in my one I didnt added that thing and it worked anyway.
Another question is how do I organize the stats ?
Cuz if I get an already modded armor and add another thing the last thing I add will be show as last in the game.
How do I change that?
06-04-2004, 9:35 PM
I only have 1 question, what does this do:
Param1[BYTE] =255

That is pretty much obsolite ,it is only refered to in itempropdef.2da a couple of times, so it should be set to 255.

Another question is how do I organize the stats ?

thats easy what ever property you want first is the one you add first and so on.
 Lorden Darkblade
06-04-2004, 10:16 PM
Nevermind, I figured it out.
Can anyone tell me if it is too hard to remove the mask and the cape from this robe?
I'm getting tired of waiting ppl to do it for me so I think I'll do it myself...
 Lorden Darkblade
06-05-2004, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by ReLoaD2K
Nevermind, I figured it out.
Can anyone tell me if it is too hard to remove the mask and the cape from this robe?
I'm getting tired of waiting ppl to do it for me so I think I'll do it myself...
So, can anyone teach me to do this?
06-05-2004, 2:45 PM
Ok to do this

1 : You must use the cut scene model to be maskless Mono_Giganto’s mod will work
nicly here. I should also mention there are 2 models to use here one for males and one for females.

2: You need a good understanding of Photoshop or another paint program,

3: To remove the cape you will need an understanding of alpha channels and shaders how the shaders work, The first thing is that by using the shader as an alpha transparency you will no longer have any shine in these robes, just so you know. So anything that is normally nice and shiny will be dull and drab. The reason for this is we will use the alpha channel to make the cape disappear. It is however only gone from sight, it is still part of the model so it displays a cast shadow when you have shadows on. And you will still notice the lofty camera. I have given many in-depth responses to alpha s and you can find them both bellow you will also need a shader to get the transparent cape my good friend Seprithro is the master mind behind that. I came across a nifty shader in the game called blending punchthrough, this is used on the hairy beasts in the game and was used to get the results wanted with the alpa channel. What this shader does is virtually make a hole in some thing thus the name punchthrough in this case we will use it to remove the cape

the shader code is :

blending punchthrough
Copy and paste what is in side the dodtted lines to notepad to make your shader. Save it as the same name as the .tga you are working with. But use .txi instead. You will have to manually type that in . not txt if you have created the proper alpha channel then that should do it. To make this work you may have to open the appearance.2da file and change envmap node to default.

Alpha channel tutorials post 9 post 5

I hope this helps.

06-05-2004, 3:32 PM
Hey my mod's actually at pcgamemods. :)
06-05-2004, 3:44 PM
Originally posted by Mono_Giganto
Hey my mod's actually at pcgamemods. :)

pcgamemods has been down for the past 3 days now

so i didn't add a link link to it

 Lorden Darkblade
06-07-2004, 9:15 PM
Sorry for reviving this post but, Svosh I dont understand how to use PhotoSho or any otehr image program.
Could you make that Robe for me?
I dont care how long it takes I just want it very bad!
06-07-2004, 11:05 PM
All see what I can do

 Lorden Darkblade
06-07-2004, 11:08 PM
Thank you mate.
And dont forget, take as long as you need.
I dont mind if takes a lot of time all I want is that Skin cuz I'm asking for it a long time.
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