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Is it possible to view the dialogue/conversations in any other format?

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06-03-2004, 7:19 AM
Just a quick question. Some of the dialogue and conversations in Knights of the Old Republic are hilarious. In particular, the random conversations that occur between the various characters in your little travelling group. Is there any place that lists the different dialogues/conversations between those in your party that happen at random(I'm assuming random, anyway) such as Zaalbar and Mission discussing dressing Wookiees and Bastilla force pushing Mission over and calling her clumsy? I would like to see them all, but don't quite have the time to stand around in game waiting for them.

Any program to view the dialogue in the KOTOR engine(PC) like Infinity Explorer for the Baldur's Gate and other Infinity Engine games?

Any help would be much appreciated as I would really like to see them.

Thanks in advance.
06-03-2004, 9:58 AM
You have some possibilities:

1. you can view the .tlk table with this application:

2. With kotor tool, you can view the dlg files by pressing crtl double click (but not very convenient if you want to read the dialog like a conversation. It's useful mostly when you are planning to edit a huge dlg file so you can have good look at the contents of the file but can't edit them with KT)

3. you can use TK102 DLGedit dowloadable at . You can edit dlg files easily with this tool :)

4. If you have the NWN toolset, replace the ther original talk table by that of KOtor. Rename the orinial let's say to TLK2 and drop the Kotor tlk in the NWN folder. The buttons will be all wrong but don't worry, it works. Then open a module and drop the dlg file you want to see in the temp folder inside the module folder . You will be able to follow the dialog as a conversation. Note: do not use NWN toolset to edit dlg files. Many elements are not recogninze but NWN toolset, including the cameras. You'll have funny effects when you but it back in the game.
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