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cheats not working?

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05-31-2004, 12:44 AM
alright, so i'm just playing around trying to spawn guys and work on my skills, but when i type devmapall to enable the cheats it says "no map specified" or something like that. do i need to specify a certain map? or can i just enable cheats on all maps like devmapall did in the demo? i'd like to be able to go through the game normal but be able to use cheats when i need/feel like it without straying from the storyline.

thanks :confused:
 Samuel Dravis
05-31-2004, 1:00 AM
For MP, you have to enable cheats with the command devmap mapname. So, to run the Bespin Duel map you would type devmap mp/duel1. When loading it will say "Cheats Enabled". You generally don't want to use devmapall because it forces a reload of everything in the game, even if the map/models are already cached.

However, for SP it is much easier: just type helpusobi 1 into the console, then your cheat.
05-31-2004, 11:14 AM
Google is good. Use it.
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