I created a custom crystal color using photoshop, named it appropriately, and dropped it into my override folder to go with a similarly named custom saber. When I loaded a game to see how it looks, this is what I saw:
Has anyone seen this before? If so, how do I fix it? BTW, I already double checked that I have a .txi file. Do I need to edit the mdl again?
this has happened to me before, but it was black and all I had to do to fix it was change the .txi file you could try just making a new .txi file and seeing if that works and if it doesn't you have my e-mail so you can send this way and I'll take a look at it.
That didn't work. I think I did something bad to the file when I saved it. I'll keep trying =)
If you can't figure it out feel free to send the files to me and I'll take a look at them.
For some reason, PS won't let me save a file as .tga unless I open one, edit it, and then save. I tried to "force" it by renaming the file with .tga. I figured out that was the problem as soon as I tried to open the file again and PS spit out an error.
blending additive
decal 1
Add what's in the dotted line without the lines to a blank notepad file save it as the exact same name as your saber crystal but in stead of .tga MANUALLY add the extension .txi NOT .txt or it will not work.drop it on to override and all should be well. Unless you made a huge outer glow on the image file and played with the alpha?
files in Photoshop have to be saved at 32 bit with alpha channels or the game will not see them.
Thanks, svosh. I eventually got there =)
Well, I'm having problems with my blade color too, not sure what's wrong, could anyone maybe take a look at the files?
Hey Mono_Giganto
I'll pm you with my e-mail send them over and I'll take a look.
Ok, I sent it, if you find out what's wrong, can you just send it back? I mean like instead of releasing or something, cause I'm gonna learn to make a recruitment mod and it is part of it.
Don't worry I'm not going to release your saber....LOL
Just wanted to make sure, cause some people might do that. :)
I took a look at your files and I think I know what the problem is, but I'm not sure because I still can't get it to work. What I think might of happened was that you extract different .mdl and .mdx files, for example maybe w_lghtsbr_004.mdl and w_lghtsbr_005.mdx or something where they didn't match, because that was the only thing that could have been wrong. I checked your files and only had to make minor adjustments, but I can tell you what they were:
.uti file: had to change the tag and templateResRef to match file name; also had to change the modelvariation from 13 to 59 to match your .mdl/.mdx files
Those were the only things I found wrong so I'm thinking that you accidentally extracted .mdl and .mdx files that didn't match.
Sorry thats all I could find,
Edit: Sorry to say but the best advice I can give is to start from scratch.
I think I may have sent you the wrong uti file cause those parts match up for me... And they do match, I made sure of it...
The best advice is to start over and don't use anything with w_lsabreblue02 or blue in general I don't know why, but I've had bad luck with blue sabers...LOL... Good luck with your saber.