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5th custom saber; The guardian of the order of Holowan

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05-29-2004, 1:46 AM
say hello to my lastest saber: The Guardian of the Order of Holowan.

pic (

"Two hundered years ago, the star ship Phenixo crash landed on an unknown moon. the transport had been on it's way to the Jedi Academy on Corrusant, when a power surge during hyper-drive activation, sent them off course to an unknown sector of space. Onboard were 37 young childern, all sensitive to the force. With no-on to guide them in the ways of the force, they began to learn on their own as time passed. Later their childern would form The Order of Holowan, loyal to neither side of the force, they mastered the strengths in both, as well as cast off the weakness in each alignment. Together they forged The Guardian, the most powerfull weapon ever designed. The strongest in their order would lead them, and only their leader would weild The Guardian. Will you have it?"

nice huh? well i think so,

anyways here's a short description, golden hilt, (very shiny) black grips, and bule hi-lights in the grip. The blade is thin and blue, (but this is the really cool part) when it is swung, the color completely changes to a golden shade, giving it a very unquie look. This one's gonna sport OVER-KILL stats, (thanks to T7nowhere)

now the best part; this will never be up for download at my or anyother site :D It was made exculsivly for T7 Holowan Plug-in, thats the only place anyone will ever have a chance to get it, and i am told, it will be very hard to get :D

(then again no-one may want it)
05-29-2004, 1:55 AM
I love the description man very creative backround story, but where'd you get the "37 young children" from, or is it just some random number? I am going to need to see this bad boy in action hehehe, man I love your stuff keep 'em coming.


edit: Oh yea one more question: So does this mean that poor T7 is going to have to make another plug-in?
05-29-2004, 2:15 AM
It looks great Sep, The story kinda reminds me of the back story for how Mace Windu's home world was first inhabited.

Originally posted by maverick187
edit: Oh yea one more question: So does this mean that poor T7 is going to have to make another plug-in?

Actually it means that Im going to do my best to get the next version out by saturday. :)
05-29-2004, 2:22 AM
Originally posted by T7nowhere
Actually it means that Im going to do my best to get the next version out by saturday.

Yippeeee, I didn't download the first version because I've been waiting for the new one. Thanks for the effort T7.
05-29-2004, 2:25 AM
37 was just a random number, it semmed good for breeding purposes :D and children comes from the movies, rember when yoda first gets them they're very young (epII) and T7 already had it in the works see above, as afr as seeing it in action, i highly recomend it, the two colored blade thing is just plain awsome, first blue with white core, then wwwrrroowwan golden blade with white core very cool in game i see if i can get some screens up
05-29-2004, 2:49 AM
Screens would be awesome I just can't wait to see it in action I'd ask you how you did it but a magician never reveals his tricks;). Well as I said before I love your stuff man keep them coming.
05-29-2004, 3:00 AM
That is awesome man.
05-29-2004, 3:01 AM
ok i snaped a few screens of the blade in action, keep in mind, revan and bastillia are using same saber
part 1 (

and in this one you can see it mid-morph
part2 (

while i admit, this kinda of blade isn't traditional, but i think it goes good with the back stroy, rememeber they had no teachers :D
05-29-2004, 3:06 AM
that looks pretty wierd, but cool I don't know how you did it but hats off to ya.
05-29-2004, 3:24 AM
Amazing! You really put effort to your sabers!
05-29-2004, 3:32 AM
In the screen I noticed that there was your character and Bastila both fighting Malak, how'd you do that?
05-29-2004, 6:17 AM
:eek: WoW man. Just WoW.

C'mon Saturday. Loved the 1st HL plug in, can't wait for version 2.
05-29-2004, 6:59 AM
Originally posted by Seprithro
when it is swung, the color completely changes to a golden shade, giving it a very unquie look.

this is mostly the bit im interested in , how do you get it to change colour when its swung ?
05-29-2004, 10:35 AM
to get bastillia there i just warped there after killing jolee, i just wanted a dark lite area to show off the shine. as for how i did this, i guess you'd say luck. i was going for blue blade gold core, but something about the way i lined up the colors, kepted the white intact also, it must have to be exact too because i tryed again on another, and it didnt work, although it was very late and i was very sleepy, so maybe that was my fault, somebody said abone "a magician never reveals his tricks" well that's true, but they do share their lucky blunders;) and i am hardly a magician at this. as was metion above, yes i do put alot of effort in my sabers, but sometimes it just comes together. this bad boy only took a fraction of the time to tex. as the others
05-29-2004, 2:31 PM
sweet saber sep!! hmm...i wonder how a blue saber would look if it flashed green...i guess i better get to work.
by the way, good luck T7!!! i'm lookin 4ward to it.
05-29-2004, 8:37 PM
Wow indeed--that's awesome! :D
05-30-2004, 1:41 AM
does this saber have any special stats? or is it just a reskin for sabers?
05-30-2004, 2:08 AM
yes it has custom stats(thanks to T7nowhere, all credit for stats is due to him) and no it will not replace anysaber in-game.

feat required:
Master Jedi Defense
Weapon Speacialization Lightsaber

Damage energy 4-36
Critical Threat: 19-20 x2
Attack Modifier: +5 vs All
Immunity: Mind-Affecting
Skills: Awarness +5
Blaster bolt deflection +10
05-30-2004, 7:58 AM
I downloaded and dropped all of it to Override, but it doesn't morph
05-30-2004, 10:30 AM
I know how to change color when it swings, but just inside the saber (the white part).
05-30-2004, 12:01 PM
i think i know your problem liz. you downloaded wrong file, how do i know you ask, because this saber hasnt been released, (points finger to first post) hopes this helps
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