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Centralization and unification of game modifications and their makers.

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 Excalibur Bane
05-28-2004, 2:06 AM
I have finished KOTOR playing as both a dark side oriented character and as a light side oriented one. To say I find the game intriguing, is somewhat of an understatement. I'm entralled that somebody has finally made a decent RPG that portrays the Star Wars universe so nicely, a job well done indeed for Bioware.

Now with the game content exhausted, I turn to the net and the community of mod makers. I was sure that there would be a generic site like the many other mod sites out there that use the same template, it seems, and have the mods all organized into category and what not. Just for KOTOR instead. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but I don't see such a site. In fact, I see little in the way of organization save for stickies in this forum pointing people as to where they might find mods, how to get the tools to make them, tutorials, etc.

Clearly, the community is in need of such a centralized site that would maintain a vast database of all mods that have been created and published by users so that they may be easily accessible to the average user. Granted, organizing a site and modifying this game have been none too easy thanks to Lucasarts irritating no mods messages on the official forums and the lack of any modding tools provided with the game, but you guys certainly have done a good job despite these hindering factors and churned out some exceptional mods. :)

So, seeing as how my modding skills are for the most part useless and my graphical skills extend about as far as stick men, I would be willing to offer my help in organizing a site and/or maintaining said site so that we can have a more central site where all mods are in the same place, not simply scattered across the net. Believe me, if I could mod, I would but I'm just too damn awful at it, so I will offer my help this way in improving an exceptional game even further. I figure we have roughly a year to a year and a half before KOTOR 2 gets here and I don't know about the rest of you, but I seriously need some of that KOTOR goodness to tide me over until then.

Anyway, perhaps I am kicking a very dead horse on the subject, as I did not do a terribly deep search for posts regarding this topic but I thought it was worth mentioning again. If I have, please excuse my ignorance and point me to the right place.

If I'm right, then we should organize a .com or .org site for the mods, get the site up and start packing in the mods and modding tools. I am in the unique position of having a great deal of time on my hands to dedicate to accomplishing this task, but not much in the way of wealth in terms of setting up a site. I don't care for all those sites with the ads on them either like Geocities or Tripod, or I would have done it already. Anyway, I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks about this or if there is already an effort underway that I could help with. :)

P.S. I do have somewhat of a reputation for organizing ( these sort of things, so I'm not a complete newbie. If I'm fortunate, perhaps even a handful of you will recognize my name from past exploits. :D
05-28-2004, 2:16 AM
The whole organization of all mods sounds great and I'm all for it, but we are going to need EVERYONE to agree, but things are starting to get organized as now most mods are being submitted here: . So this sounds great in theory, but it will be very difficult to organize is all I'm saying, but as far as the idea goes I'm behind you!

05-28-2004, 2:27 AM
Please check the "stuck" threads at the top of the page for tutorials, mods, etc.

As for modding itself, you may want to give it a try. I didn't know how to mod a week ago, but thanks to helpful people here and the amazing tools that are available, I've picked it up pretty quickly.

If there is something specific you are looking for, feel free to PM me and I'll try to help you out the best that I can.


05-28-2004, 2:36 AM
I think what Excalibur Bane wants to do is make his own site that has everyone's mods, so that everyone can just go there to download them and so that they will all be in one place and so that here wont be any confusion as to where you have to go for all the mods. I don't think he wants directions to where he can find certain mods. Although I suppose if he wants to make his own site with all the mods he should start collecting them from all around here.

05-28-2004, 9:32 AM
Well, we did have a central kinda site once, but Uru went bye-bye. Where is he?!?! Ya but for now we've got pcgamemods.
 Excalibur Bane
05-28-2004, 1:45 PM
Yes, I am trying to put together a site somehow, with all the mods under one roof. I think it would be beneficial to every player who comes looking for mods if they had a central place to find everything. I can see three problems at present:

1) Hosting. I don't have the funds needed to host a site on a server of my own or register a .com or .org name either. I don't really care for any of the free solutions either. I have my own webspace, but it is small. I doubt I have much traffic allowance either.

2) Site layout. This is something for myself to work on I suppose. There does seem to be some kind of generic template in use in a variety of the game modding sites around the net. I tried to find an example of this, but I can't seem to find one right now. If I could get a hold of that, or get permission from whoever made it, that would make it alot easier. At any rate, this is a secondary problem.

3) Permission from mod authors to distribute their mods. I'd have to gather the mods up and email all the authors for permission to post them on a site. I like to ask creators first before posting things, even if they have provisions in their readme files for posting. It's just a nice curtoesy.

So, does anyone happen to work for an ISP that could donate our first requirement? :D

Anyway, I have practically 10-12 hours a day to work on a project like this. I have an abundance of free time as it were. :)
05-28-2004, 2:00 PM
I think pcgamemods is serving this forum quite well and that adding another site would de-centralize the mods.

Also, from a historical context, there have been 4 different 'admins' who have come along, generated a site or promised to, and then disappeared.
05-28-2004, 2:23 PM
It's very kind of you Excalibur Bane to offer to make a site :) but I have to agree with TK102. PCgamemods is not a fancy site but it has been running since a long time (for other games than Kotor) and it does a great job. It also allow modders to upload their files by themselves, which is very practical. People are just getting used to go there to upload their mods and when they look for kotor mods.

We had URU's site previously but it has not been updated for a long time and contains old versions of the mods and kotor utilities.
 Excalibur Bane
05-28-2004, 2:35 PM
Fair enough then. Just trying to help the community, if you guys are happy with the pcgamemods site, then we'll leave it at that. Ah, well. Just an idea. :(

Well, so much for that idea. Anyone need a script writer or editor? My english is pretty good and I've done alot of sci-fi writing before, with little or no background history to work with, so I could certainly help with making some backdrops for some mods. :)
05-28-2004, 2:47 PM
Originally posted by Excalibur Bane
Fair enough then. Just trying to help the community, if you guys are happy with the pcgamemods site, then we'll leave it at that. Ah, well. Just an idea. :(

Well, so much for that idea. Anyone need a script writer or editor? My english is pretty good and I've done alot of sci-fi writing before, with little or no background history to work with, so I could certainly help with making some backdrops for some mods. :)

:) someone will certainly need a good script writer one day or another. But i don't know right now. In the meantime, perhaps you could start modding too ;) New modders , experienced or not, are always welcomed. If you have technical questions, just ask them, i'm sure you'll get an answer.
05-28-2004, 3:17 PM
i agree, pcgamemods is fine. I dont see a need in a new site.
05-28-2004, 3:54 PM
Originally posted by Excalibur Bane
Anyway, I have practically 10-12 hours a day to work on a project like this. I have an abundance of free time as it were.

This is more than enough time to learn how to mod:D :D :D
05-28-2004, 4:35 PM
Originally posted by tk102
I think pcgamemods is serving this forum quite well and that adding another site would de-centralize the mods.

Also, from a historical context, there have been 4 different 'admins' who have come along, generated a site or promised to, and then disappeared. Very true.

Also, the fact that pcgamemods hosts mods for several other games and is pretty well known generates a lot of traffic (and downloads) that the mods otherwise might not get. :)
05-28-2004, 4:37 PM
You might try encouraging more mod creators to post their things to that specific site, it can be very difficult to find things nested away in threads.
05-28-2004, 7:30 PM
Originally posted by AstalderS
You might try encouraging more mod creators to post their things to that specific site, it can be very difficult to find things nested away in threads.

Ok i'll chime in with is a great site and a new one isn't really needed. But sinse you do have alot of free time you could try your hand at modding It is surprizing how quickly one can pick this stuff up. Your offer to write scripts for others is a generous offer and Im sure someone will take you up on the offer hmm. ;)
 Excalibur Bane
05-28-2004, 11:38 PM
Well, I've just spent a few hours trying my hand at modding. Sort of anyway. I checked out that thread stickied at the top. I don't think I'm terribly well cut out for it. I used the KOTOR tools to look at things and try to figure some of the stuff out. See, the problem is I have a learning disability with numbers. So they just kinda turn into soup once my eyes process them. It rather sucks actually, but you can't change that, or does someone know where I can find a mod for my brain? :rolleyes:

At any rate, I wanted to try and make a mod to balance out ranged weapons with the melee weapons, mainly the lightsabers and what not. I respect the whole coolness factor and the necessity of lightsabers being the end all weapon but I'd like to be able to take out most of the enemies with a heavy weapon or blaster carbine. Same with armor. I'd like to make better headgear, or stuff that is like that Mandalorian Assault Armor where it covers your whole body with just armor, one piece suit sorta thing. Game needs more of those IMHO. :)

Just my two cents. I suppose I should start a new thread. Hmm.
05-28-2004, 11:49 PM
No you don't need a new thread for this, in fact please don't it clutters up the board.

Anywho, I don't know how to balance out ALL of the blasters, although I would guess you could edit the baseitems.2da, but I'm not too sure about that. I do know you can make your own blaster that has its own properties and you could jack up the damage given or make it a one shot kill deal. As for full body armor I think that the Mandalorian Assault Armor is the only full body armor so I guess the only way to add more would be to texture edit the Mandalorian Armor and put it in the game as a new armor.

Hope this Helps,
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