hello people i just downloaded moviebattles and im having some trouble. when i try to join a moviebattle, it displays an error message saying "ERROR: Unexpected EOF while looking for group 'Republic'" (or rebel, for jabba). anyone know what i might be doing wrong?
You should ask this on the official MB2 forums (
http://forums.moviebattles.com/)...as) this is OJP, we can't really help you too much with that. :( If you get an answer though, please tell me. I was wondering that also, but I'm too lazy to post there. :D
Originally posted by pegasustheeye
hello people i just downloaded moviebattles and im having some trouble. when i try to join a moviebattle, it displays an error message saying "ERROR: Unexpected EOF while looking for group 'Republic'" (or rebel, for jabba). anyone know what i might be doing wrong?
It sounds like your .siege file are corrupted or Phunk didn't make the file buffer large enough.