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Need a specific variable

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05-27-2004, 3:47 PM
What's the variable set to stop the Sand People attacking the PC instantly when they enter the enclave? I've encountered That Bug where you can be in their robes and have got past them perfectly well outside the enclave, but once you get in they're hostile. And I don't have a backup save :o

I can probably manipulate the savegame so I jump to the next point (getting the water vaporators) with a bit of (guess)work, but I'd rather not have to. And I know this has nothing to do with modding, but I doubt Bioware would appreciate me asking in their forums :p
05-27-2004, 3:53 PM
I think that is all based on the conversation with the duros outside the office where you get contracted for that, did you show interest and find all about his suggestion for wearing the robes and using a droid to interpret etc.?
05-27-2004, 3:55 PM
Yep, I did, and I have HK-47 with me.

I have tat_DuneSeaEnc set to 2 by default at the moment, but setting it back to 1 didn't help. I could fiddle some more, but if someone can help me first I'd rather take that path ;) It's quicker.
05-27-2004, 4:15 PM
Check the Global Boolean:


and try setting it to FALSE.

Check also the Global Boolean:


and try setting it to TRUE.
05-27-2004, 4:16 PM
You could check Bioware Technical Help too. the problem has been addressed here:
and here:
(try a search for sand people in the technical forum)


You may also find that currently if you do not wear the sand people uniforms, the sand people do not go hostile towards you. This is because the variable that says "I'm in disguise" is still set. Putting on the sand people uniforms will reverse this so it will say "I'm not in disguise" This makes the sand people hostile. So there are two ways around this.

1) Take off the sand people disguises before entering the second dune area (the area outside the sand person enclave also known as tat_m18ab). This will mean you can complete the quest but everything will be confusing as the states are reversed.

2) This is my prefered work around. Take off the sand people disguises and enter the area outside the sand people enclave. Then use the "Return to Ebon Hawk" function to return to Anchorhead. This should set the variables correctly once more. Now return to the dune sea by walking as opposed to transiting back. You should be able to use the sand person uniforms as normal.
05-27-2004, 4:20 PM
Hm... according to KSE, that variable is already false :confused: Unless the game uses 1 for false and 0 for true on some variables, which I doubt.

Thanks for the tip though, I completely missed that one *facepalms*
05-27-2004, 4:35 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
You could check Bioware Technical Help too. the problem has been addressed here:
and here:
(try a search for sand people in the technical forum)

Extract: Thanks, that fixed it for one of the games I was having the problem with.

The other seems to be permanently whacked, though. Lesson of the day - Holowan disguises and Sand People robes do not mix! :lol: He's now looking like a Tusken without anything equipped at all, even after saving, exiting and reloading, and removing their clothes from the character...
05-27-2004, 5:11 PM
If you get really desperate you could try the warp cheat to go back to say the dune sea then do the sandpeople enclave correctly
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