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GTK Radiant HELP- Noob

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05-24-2004, 8:07 PM
O.K., I got GTK Radiant because I want to start mapping, I was running it, and some console came up and said something wasn't running because it failed. Why???? How do I fix this????

It says something about gl-something-something not loading. It was also saying things about personal preferences being set.


 Samuel Dravis
05-25-2004, 1:15 AM
I had problems with it until I realized it was supposed to be installed to /gamedata, not /base. Try that.
05-25-2004, 11:47 AM
Umm, no, I installed it to /Gamedata. It isn't that.

05-25-2004, 11:53 AM
What's the precise error message?
05-25-2004, 11:25 PM
I got something like this at least 3 weeks ago and havn't been able to map ever since, mine was:

GTKRadiant.exe has generated errors and will be closed by windows. You will need to reinstall the program.

An error log is being created

(this is a popup btw)
Ok.. so the error log is somewhere lost in time, and I have no idea to access that. I have tried to reinstall and it didn't work. If this is the same problem, I feel your pain... It's not fun not to be able to map... I did however ask on the JK2/JK3 forum what was wrong:
05-26-2004, 5:05 AM
*reads said thread*

To do a Windows Update, you should have a shortcut (unless you deleted it of course) on your start menu that says "Windows update", do that (minus the latest update for Outlook Express, which is useless).

You said you had spyware issues...

1. get this : (Ad-Aware 6)
2. Run it through and clean anything it comes up with.
3. Get BoostXP from here:
4. Run it's "clean junk files" function.
5. Backup Maps and Uninstall Radiant Completely
6. Make sure ALL radiant files have actually been removed.
7. Consider removing the JA SDK too.
8. If you think it might be necessary uninstall JA (backing up saved games and character config files, maps, skins etc).
9. Run the Registry Cleaner from BoostXP
10. Defrag your hard drive.
11. Reinstall (where appropriate): JA, JA SDK, Radiant1.4
12. Load Map and try again :)

P.S. Follow the Radiant Set up CAREFULLY and download the help files too... :)

All the best :)
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