My nifty trillian birthday plugin thingy informs me that today is Gabez's birthday.
Happy birthday Gazbo! If I could be arsed waiting for the smileys window to load, i'd totally shove some sort of birthday smiley here too.
Hey hey! Happy birthday. Enjoy all the things birthdays stand for like... umm... drinking?
That's me after looking through all the smileys on here, trying to find a decent one. There are HOW many now?!
Anyway, happy birthday Gabzo!
Gabzo! Gab! Gabby baby! Gab Monkey! Zo Boy!
These are all the names you don't want to be called on your birthday.
Have a good one. (smiley search commencing, please expect your appropriate smiley within the four to six weeks that lie in the time frame between now and 2067)
Thanks everyone! :)
:worship: :stick: :yodac: :yoink: :lock: :fist:
I'm 1hr 20 mins late, but as I'm not really on the internet count your blessings. HB!