I've asked around and I'm not getting any replies, it must be a well gaurded secret, cause I can't find it anywhere.
How do you whisper to other players in multiplayer?
THANKS Amidala!
He's talking about private chat.
Bind a key to messagemode3 (/bind <key> messagemode3). Then put your crosshair on the player you want to have a private chat with and use your messagemode3 key instead of your regular chat key.
The command /tell <clientid> "message" does the same thing.
does /telltarget also work?....i remember that vaguelly
Originally posted by --ZeeMan--
does /telltarget also work?....i remember that vaguelly
OMG i use the use that command a lot in JO but i for got it. I even tryed to find it again when i got JA but i couldn't. Now i don't have to look at some one any more.
Thanks guys I was wondering how to do this the other day too. Looked it up once but forgot (never used it).
actaully /tell ## might not work as it is supposed to... dont have time to test it :S someone else should and let us know :D
heh, yeah /bind x messagemode3. the reason why no one responds is because most people who play games online are morons and dont actually know what happens when they press a pre-bound key, so accidently binding over it screws you up. BTW you have to be looking at someone for it to work, adn that msgs them
As for the /tell command, that only works if you know the person's client number and the only way to get a persons client number is to be an admin in modded servers and using amstatus or by being an rcon admin and using status through rcon. or just plain guessing, heh.
OR even better, use Xmod2. allows you to type /<name> <msg> to whisper someone from anywhere, not sure exactly if thats the command or not.
well /serverstatus gives you every client and their number, but it just might not be the right numbers. no one has ever told me eitehr way, thought it was a bug in jk2 tho.