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Still having trouble connecting / can't connect to servers in JA

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05-20-2004, 8:22 PM
I think my last thread went out of retention. Okay. I'm still having problems connecting to the JA master server. I can only assume it's the master server, because when browsing the servers, they only appear as IP addresses. Attempting to connect to ANY server results in a message of: "Awaiting Connection..." So it's not a problem with any specific server.

I'm connected through a Linksys router with ports 29060-29081 opened in TCP and UDP, but nothing seems to let me stay connected very long. I'm guessing it's a problem on my end, because I haven't heard an uproar from other players about this. So, what can I do to fix this?
 Samuel Dravis
05-21-2004, 1:32 AM
I didn't see your other thread, but all I can think of is you may be missing the patch (
05-21-2004, 1:50 AM
Try extending that to 29060-29099 (worked for me anyway)

Also see if there is a "DMZ" (specifically used for games) and open it up (turn it "on") with your router IP.

Also if you use any software firewalls, you'll need to open ports (or just disable, if it's ZoneAlarm) specifically for use by Jedi Academy.

If possible, upgrade the firmware or drivers on your router, sometimes they release fixes that allow game playing to be done easier.

Make sure also that you aren't using any cd cracks, as those can interefere with playing online.
05-21-2004, 6:41 PM
I'm patched to 1.01 already and I'm not using cracks. I'll try extending the port range and see if that does it.
05-22-2004, 7:25 PM
i have upgraded it to 1.01 i think it is and i still can't get any servers in muti player and i have serched for fourms and nothing
 Amidala from Chop Shop
05-22-2004, 9:13 PM
Firewall\router problem (search harder, it's been discussed many times before).

Turn off ZoneAlarm or any other firewalls.

Open up ports 29060-29080 on your router.

Try The All Seeing Eye ( if you are still having problems.
05-23-2004, 3:39 PM
Extending the port range on TCP and UDP doesn't work, and the DMZ does nothing. What the hell's wrong and why doesn't Raven fix it?
05-23-2004, 4:47 PM
First, check your jampconfig.cfg file in your base folder.

Make sure the line:

seta sv_master1 ""

...appears. If it's not there, add it and save.

More things to try:

Do you have Zone Alarm? Turn it off.

Do you have Norton Internet Security/Firewall? Have it detect JAMP.exe and JAMPDed.exe (if you run a server) and set them both to "allow all."

Follow similar steps with other software firewalls.

Maybe you could try updating the firmware/drivers of your router or modem.

Other than that, I can't think of any other reason why you can't connect... it works for me and everybody else.

I guess your last option is to uninstall and then reinstall and re-apply the 1.01 patch and try again.

If all this fails, your ISP is probably to blame, and you should contact them and explain the problem. Perhaps their tech support can help...
05-23-2004, 6:33 PM
I added that line to the config file. It worked for about thirty seconds, then I got disconnected again. I have Norton Internet Security, but the firewall's not active. I've already uninstalled and reinstalled, so the only thing left is my ISP. Hell.
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