Can you please help me. I just got KOTOR and i cant even play it. basically i think i need OpenGL 1.4. When i scan my computer it tells me that i need a non-windows opengl 1.4.0 drivers. i searched all around and i cant find anything to download. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME. I want to play and i cant.
I believe this means that your graphics card does not support open GL 1.4 perhaps your PC has on board graphics? some specs would help
I have a ati radeon 9100. its onboard. Asus motherboard 1 gig ddr ram. I play all kinds of games including JA wiht no problem. Cant i just download the latest drivers or something. I went to ati's website and its useless.
All your specs look fine so i'd try updating the drivers but beyond that i'd check the bioware forums theres usually some good technical help there