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New map pack and patch

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05-13-2004, 2:27 AM
I heard a rumor that Raven was officially releasing a new map pack and
new patch I figured if there was a place to clear these rumors up
it would be these forums so I registered and this is my first post

I heard that patch is supposed to fix a problem that really aggravates me
when you get pulled when you have absorb on you are still slightly affected by the pull
I heard with this new patch you will not be affected at all anyone here this?

As for the map pack if there is a new one coming out I hope there is more than
one CTF map because the last CTF map was horrible nobody likes it that I know.

If anyone has heard anything about these questions please give me some answers
thank you:fett:
05-13-2004, 2:33 AM
Raven has stated (IIRC) that there won't be another patch for JA.

So what you "heard" is most likely the past.

There is the 1.01 patch which fixes a lot of bugs and exploits, though some things (like the "flinch" during absorb being pull/pushed) still exist.

The "Map pack" was released some time ago as the "JA Bonus Map Pack" available from many sites (including It had 1 duel map, 1 ctf map and 4 FFA maps.

The only Raven-aided Siege map released was Siege Destroyer (with the finished version, Siege Destroyer 2.0 included with the Asteroids Mod).

We'd all love the game to have more support (fixes, not gameplay changes of course), but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

It's been many months and Raven is busy with other games and they couldn't do anything anyway unless LA gave them the go ahead.

Unless we have official confirmation from a Raven person, I'd consider these nothing but wishful thinking and rumor.
05-15-2004, 12:40 AM
if they release another patch, they would most likely have to re-release the MP source for modding AFAIK... this is why i think its prob not going to happen.
05-15-2004, 5:06 PM
Originally posted by acdcfanbill
if they release another patch, they would most likely have to re-release the MP source for modding AFAIK... this is why i think its prob not going to happen. In other words, if they release another patch I will eat my shorts...
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