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Looooooooom - sword sharpening

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 The Tingler
05-11-2004, 7:41 AM
I've just been playing my lovely new CD-ROM copy of Loom - and I'm stuck. Typical.

In the room where the Sword is being forged while the other two sinister characters have a repetitive conversation.
When they finish, the blacksmith holds the sword up proudly - at which point I'm supposed to do something.
I've tried sharpening, I've tried un-sharpening! Bobbin just goes "hmm", with no time for the sparkly lights that accompany threads.
05-11-2004, 8:44 AM
i think it was the spell for 'twisting'/'curling'. Like you use at the stairs of the dragon's lair and the tornado on sea.
 The Tingler
05-13-2004, 12:19 PM
Bloody useless walkthroughs. You're right.
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