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jk2 style saber only ctf

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05-05-2004, 11:31 AM
A clan called DS is running a Saber Only CTF server using the JK2 CTF maps at my suggestion. The JKA maps are really lame for s/o ctf in my opinion. If anyone wants to get into it you can dl the maps here:

It's still not as good as JK2 ctf; (no speed rage dfa, models are drawn larger in jka, but the jk2 maps are the same size, ect) desipte the model size issue, I can still do all of the same speed routes and what not that I could before, so it's not a bid deal. The lack of speed rage dfa is pretty gay though. I'm still trying to figure out why Raven decided to take out a bunch of elite moves in jka, and replace them with gay katas. But DS uses that mod which enables kicking and what not. Now if those mod designers would make it so red dfa doesn't use force...
05-05-2004, 11:43 AM

It has already been posted at pcgamemods and jk3files since JA came out :rolleyes:
05-05-2004, 12:27 PM
wtf are you talking about dork? This ctf server has been posted on pcgamemods? If you are talking about the maps, i'm aware that they are hosted on other sites, since Amidala gave me the link to download them. This post is to let people know there is a good s/o ctf server in jka now
 Amidala from Chop Shop
05-05-2004, 4:50 PM
That server is running JA+ Mod. JA+ has the capability of resizing player models (as low as 70% of normal size). The server operator can edit the modelscale.cfg file to reduce the size of player models to fit the JK2 maps.

xMod 2.6 allows setting the amount of Force required\used for all saber special moves. You can make Red DFA require\cost 0 Force points (like JK2) while keeping (or increasing) Force requirement\cost for katas and dual\staff specials.
05-05-2004, 6:19 PM
Yeah, I told them to use Xmod. I hate having to use any mod...Raven should just give players the option to set things up the way they want in basejk. I feel like i'm cheating when I use a move that's only available in a mod
05-05-2004, 9:28 PM
Yeah, it's sad that Raven makes you use a mod to turn JKA into an older game, JK2. ; )

Sorry for the sarcasm, and best of luck.

Amidala, how much of a difference in scale size are the JK2 models compared to JA? You mentioned this once before but I wasn't sure of the difference...
05-06-2004, 1:11 AM
Originally posted by Egoslav1a
wtf are you talking about dork? This ctf server has been posted on pcgamemods? If you are talking about the maps, i'm aware that they are hosted on other sites, since Amidala gave me the link to download them. This post is to let people know there is a good s/o ctf server in jka now

I was just trying to tell you that the MAP PACK has already been at those sites since JA came out. Now stop calling people names.

Dork :D
 Amidala from Chop Shop
05-06-2004, 2:51 AM
Originally posted by Kurgan
Amidala, how much of a difference in scale size are the JK2 models compared to JA? You mentioned this once before but I wasn't sure of the difference... I'm not sure. Probably a modeller who has worked with the playermodels in the two games would know. People have commented that the JK2 maps seemed smaller and darker in JA compared to JK2.

I took these screenshots using a JK2 model (Jan) in JK2 and the same map in JA with a JA model (Jaden). Although the map definitely looks darker in JA, the height of the models looks about the same to me (allowing for not-identical camera angles):
05-06-2004, 11:21 AM
yea i never noticed any difference crouch strafing in ctf_bespin in jk2 vs ja :S i assume model heights in ja are still what, 64 units has been the q3 standard?
05-06-2004, 4:54 PM
I can crouch strafe down the corridor fine as well. But I do notice the difference when strafing across the middle of the map. I hit my head on the bridge and that never used to happen
05-08-2004, 7:10 AM
Maybe it's not the size of the models but the size of the collision/hit detection boxes used by the models?

The "Darker" thing is probably due to miscalculated lightning when converting the map from the older game. I'm not a JA mapper, but that's my guess, since I've seen a lot of things go wrong with lightning in people's work.

(That's assuming everybody doesn't just have their gamma settings way different in JA than in JK2).

The other main problem with map conversions seems to be the textures. Either some textures have the same name but are different or they leave out some, making parts of the map look odd.

The last problem seems to be with the lifts/elevators. The ones in the JK2 converted maps seem to take twice as long to do anything.
05-08-2004, 7:11 AM
Maybe it's not the size of the models but the size of the collision/hit detection boxes used by the models?

After all, we've done all that arguing about the hit detection with regard to sabers, maybe this is another side effect?

The "Darker" thing is probably due to miscalculated lightning when converting the map from the older game. I'm not a JA mapper, but that's my guess, since I've seen a lot of things go wrong with lightning in people's work.

(That's assuming everybody doesn't just have their gamma settings way different in JA than in JK2).

The other main problem with map conversions seems to be the textures. Either some textures have the same name but are different or they leave out some, making parts of the map look odd.

The last problem seems to be with the lifts/elevators. The ones in the JK2 converted maps seem to take twice as long to do anything.
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