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AOTCTC Forum Problem

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05-03-2004, 8:41 PM
Umm, I registered at the AOTCTC website and whenever I go to the forums, I try to post stuff, but it says that I need to log in, even when I am logged in. So, I type in my password and username and it doesn't work. I've tried everything!! I checked my password with the e-mail that I got, and I tried to log in at least 30 times (then I gave up). Please, someone help me!!
05-04-2004, 7:21 AM
there's two accounts on the aotc tc sites. There's the account for the front page (which I think is for the comments) and the one for the forums.

The forums one is accessed by the tab (it's not immediately obvious on the left side of the screen while in the forums. The tab follows the screen so you can scroll up/down to make it easier to notice. You have to register/login thru that tab to use an account for the forums.
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