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two handed? (gun in each hand mod)

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04-19-2004, 4:28 AM
ive seen a mod where you hold two guns in each hand. where can i get it? also is there a mod so you can hold one pistal with both hands. like one hand holding the other, like how cops hold their guns. thanks.
 Lei Hng Wei
04-19-2004, 4:33 AM
Ya wanna go here ( but it isn't out yet. But there's purty pictures to look at.
04-20-2004, 4:17 AM
hip hip hooray. pretty pictures!
 Samuel Dravis
04-22-2004, 5:46 AM
You could also try signing up for the ForceMod III beta. PM Azmyn ( about it. Remember though, you have to provide feedback to him on how it runs since it's a beta, and you'd better not distribute it either.
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