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Need a mod ('one bladed staff')

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04-19-2004, 3:54 AM
Has anyone seen this mod on any websites?
Its like a staff, but only one blade shows. I've used it in singleplayer via a cheat but i dont know if its possible to use it in mp without a mod, and anyone knows where to find the mod it would be appreciated :) thanks
 Samuel Dravis
04-19-2004, 4:06 AM
Apparently you just select the saber staff hilt when you are using single saber. No mod required (I think).
04-19-2004, 4:39 AM
i belleve its a mod because when the invisible second blade touches you you take damage
its just like a staff, but with one blade invisible
04-19-2004, 8:53 AM
Originally posted by Darth-Bane
i belleve its a mod because when the invisible second blade touches you you take damage
its just like a staff, but with one blade invisible

You kinda lost me there, can you show us a screenie of this?
 Darth Rythe
04-19-2004, 9:08 AM
Don't answer a request of Crow.

jk, i think:D

I think it is just a normal dual saber but when activated on blade is invisible.


The silver bit is invisible but active.
 Samuel Dravis
04-19-2004, 11:49 AM
If it's just a mod you have to make the saber invisible, take it out and you should be able to see it.
04-23-2004, 1:11 AM
It could be just that, but as far as 1 bladed staffs go, the only kind of mod I've seen for that is the Tetsaiga sword mod over at pcgamemods.
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