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removing something on an item

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 revan is cool
04-17-2004, 2:12 AM
How can I edit the revan robes to get rid of dark side restriction? Because I want to use them for my light side jedi
04-17-2004, 3:33 AM
Use the Kotor Tool. Go under BIFs, then click on templates, click on Blueprint, Item, and search down until you find g_a_mstrrobe06. Now, use the GFFEditor to edit the stats. Just go under PropertiesList, and you'll find numbers going from 0 through 5, I think. Be sure to open the Itempropdef.2da file in the Kotor Tool to use as reference. Back in the GFFEditor, just open each of the numbered sections (from 0 to 5) and look at the Propertyname and the Subtype in each. Go back to the Itempropdef.2da file and search for the number label that was listed as the propertyname for section 0 in the GFFEditor. The propertyname was 43. So, once you find 43 in Itempropdef.2da, look across to the column called subtyperesref. There you will see IPRP_ALIGNGRP. That's the name of the file where the subtype number is. So, now you want to go and open that file. Once there, you'll see the different alignments. Each alignment has a corresponding number label. Look at the number that corresponds to the Neutral side. It's 1. So, now go back to the GFFEditor and write a 1 in place of the 3 that was labeled as the subtype. Revan's Robes are now usable by everyone. Just remember to Save As in the Overide folder, and write the file name exactly as it is, g_a_mstrrobe06.
 revan is cool
04-17-2004, 3:41 AM
ok thanks i think i got it
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