i think that while your fighting the factorys will be at work creating droids in the Geonosis factorys and the Kamino factorys will be creating clones. i dont know if there will be computers in this game at all in the multiplayer that are soldiers.
Give that guy a personal forum.
Originally posted by Eagle Warrior
i think that while your fighting the factorys will be at work creating droids in the Geonosis factorys and the Kamino factorys will be creating clones. i dont know if there will be computers in this game at all in the multiplayer that are soldiers. I didn't quite understand what you said
i meant that the factorys were making units in the movies.
so in the game the factorys could be making reenforcements for that certain group. the reenforcements would be compter controlled
i think one of the dev's said that if the droids control geonosis for a period of time the respawn time is twice as fast and the same goes for kamino/clones.
thats a good idea. that is probably right or it the factorys are not destroyed for a certian period of time.