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Can you record a streamwave?

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04-12-2004, 4:37 AM
So we know how to make a new a dialog, we know how to make the dialog lipsync with an existing lipsync file. The only thing left is creating a new streamwave file to go along with the dialog and lipsync. Can the Miles software do that?
04-12-2004, 5:29 AM
*****! I hate being disconnected in the middle of a reply.

Bring some milk too.

Milk with a Melba toast? If that's what you want:milk (

The real cookies will go to the first person to be able to extract the .lip files named nmsomething (same name as Vo_ResRef) and bring it to another .mod folder. I've been able to extract the files but not to drop them into a new folder. I assume that if we can to this we'll be able to at least move sound files from a module to another and not loose lipsync.

I thought I would be good to make a reference to the otherthread (

Creating a new sound file is quite easy. :) Of course, if you want new voice acting you'll need a recording studio but if you simply want to play around with existing sound files, you will only need the Miles sound studio to decompress the sound files and an application that will allow to edit .wav files (cut, paste, speed variation, at least) The sound Recorder - not sure of the English name - in Windows french edition (Canada) it's called "magnetophone" - that comes with Windows can do that. You don't get top quality results but it's better than nothing and easy to use. There is also some freeware available on the net (haven't tested them yet - I'm more used to old MacIntosh stuff when it comes to music and sounds). You don't need to compress the sound files once you are finished.

Oh! and you'll need patience, lots of patience to find the right files...
04-12-2004, 5:33 AM
You don't need to compress the sound files once you are finished.

Ah! Excellent!

For it's worth -- Goldwave is probably the best shareware for sound file editing out there.
04-12-2004, 5:54 AM
And you can now add lipsync to custom made dialogue. The same principle applies: just change the name of .lip file to the name of the new soundfile. The only problem is that lipsync won't be err...synchronized...:(
04-12-2004, 5:55 AM
Does the .wav file have to be a certain format? I'm trying 16bit stereo 44100 but I can't make it work.

I've tried placing the .wav in the Override folder, in the Streamwaves folder (with no VO_ID in the dialog). And in a subfolder in the Streamwaves folder (with that folder's name in the VO_ID field of the dialog.) But no go.
04-12-2004, 6:13 AM
Try 8bits, 22khz (mono!).
Look at what I did in the Dustil mod. Keep it simple: only fill the VO_ResRef field. Then drop the into the corresponding STREAMWAVES > modulename>corresponding_subfolder.

If you don't get it to work, just e-mail me the file.
04-12-2004, 6:56 AM
Hmm, still nothing at 8bit, 22khz,mono. The other difference is that I'm using a name that doesn't start nmblahblah. I'm sure the .wav file is located in the right directory: Streamwaves/mg/t7 and that the dialog file has t7 as the VO_ID and the right VO_Resref in the Entry field.

The lipsync is working fine however. :)
04-12-2004, 7:14 AM
Ha Ha ha! Lipsync but no voice.:D

I'm not sure about it but now that you mention it, I believe there was a problem when the name was not nmblahblah .

Even more, I think you have to follow the same name structure as the other files. Per example: the NM08AACAND04000
is made of
M08aa (name of subfolder)
CAND04 (name of sub sub folder - or wathever you call that)
000 (sound file no)
04-12-2004, 7:14 AM
So your getting lipsync but not sound?

EDIT:I think Darth333 is right. From what I have found is that most of the game files MUST follow the same formatt as the original otherwise it won't work.

Oh and the other thing I found as I think you both know now is that the lip streamwaves must have a lip in the corrisponding folder
04-12-2004, 4:45 PM
I'll try that Darth333 --

If it works, I'll write up a summary about this because we've covered a lot of information in a short amount of time.

Edit: Summary posted in this ( thread.
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