I've scourged the depths of comic book sites (well, just two but they come highly recomended) and sadly it appears all the ones you've requested are sold out. Here's the links to them just incase you're looking for other stuff in the future.
However, here's some links to Yahoo shopping.
Redemption (
http://search.shopping.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AkJdsPnM79fwGMeZTyyvz9QEgFoB;_ylu=X3oD) MTBtNTA5a3RqBF9zAzE0NDg5MTE1BHNlYwNzZWFyY2g-?is=1&p=star+wars+redemption&did=)
The Sith War (
http://search.shopping.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AkJdsPnM79fwGMeZTyyvz9QbFt0A;_ylu=X3oD) MTBtNTA5a3RqBF9zAzE0NDg5MTE1BHNlYwNzZWFyY2g-?p=star+wars+tales+of+the+jedi+the+sith+war&did=)
Look around those, they have the TPB of them along with single copies of certain issues. I couldn't find Freedom Nadd Uprising in TPB form though, sorry. Hope that helps ;)