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Force lightning is now Fire!?!

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04-11-2004, 1:14 PM
The force lightning in my game is like a blowtorch now! People just shoot fire from their hands! I dunno how to get rid of it.
This must be the result of some mod or addon I dropped into the BASE folder, but I can't tell which one! Can NE1 help me out?
04-11-2004, 2:17 PM
Is it this mod?

if it is just go to your base folder and look for the pk3 called "Flamethrower.pk3" and delete it.
04-11-2004, 2:34 PM
it's ja+ v 1.8d
04-11-2004, 11:19 PM
There is no flamethrower.pk3 file, and I deleted the japlus directory then tried playing, and the flames were still there. Damnit, I just can't tell which file is doing this! Any other suggestions?
 Lei Hng Wei
04-11-2004, 11:37 PM
1) When did this start?

2) Remove all .pk3s you installed 2 days prior to the problem.

3) Play.

4) No flamethrower?

5) Quit.

6) Place one .pk3 back.

7) Repeat 3 thru 6 until you find the offending .pk3.
04-12-2004, 8:41 AM
Save all your .pk3 files and all side server files (like JA plus). Then uninstall and install again. Run the game there should be no fire cause there are no mods in base folder yet.

Now you put in the side server files first, if you dont see fire, then its one of the pk3 files. Just put in one by one pk3 and test it.
04-12-2004, 11:25 PM
Force Lightning is replaced by a flamethrower if you are using the "playermodel" cheat to make yourself Boba Fett in the 1.01 patch. This is ONLY a cheat for single player.

If it's happening any other way then you must have a mod running that enables this.
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