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Simple thanks and intro.

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04-07-2004, 10:38 AM
Well I'm posting this here because this is the only forum I've been following here so hopefully all of you will understand.
At any rate I've been playing KOTOR for about a month, on my Xbox however, and have beaten it on both LS & DS. I enjoyed the game so much I went out and purchased the PC game as to dive deeper into it, not only with gameplay but modding of course. Following this board for the past 3 days I've already grabbed most of the great mod's/mod tools, thanks to you guys and your organization and developements. Currently briefing myself on scripting area creations and reskins, I've already successfully modded and created a few items, so I guess that's a start.

Anyhow I host a clan site for another game I frequent from time to time, and am willing to help any of you who are having hosting issues, or even make a centralized DB on one site for all mod's+links to their appropriate creator's homepages. Whatever you guys want to do I leave it in your hands. If I get any takers ( will be created (it's not up yet) and we can go from there. Although I do host it I'm reluctant to give anyone server access as of right now, so at the moment it will have to be filtered through me. Just to inform of spec's I have more space than I will more than likely ever need combined with a 2 terabyte bandwidth limit per month so that shouldn't be an issue either. Anyone interested can reply here, PM me here, or email me at:

Again thanks for all of your hard work with everything, and I hope to add more to the community in the future. :)
04-07-2004, 12:30 PM
that would be great, i often need files hosting, ill send you an email in the future with all my stuff. Ive got a couple of mods made that arnt availible for d/l so ill send em by email, cheers mate.
04-07-2004, 12:31 PM
anytime man, figured it would be easier for most of you instead of always having to email them directly to people. I'll be around so just shout at me whenever you need em. ;)
04-07-2004, 4:02 PM
Hello uru, and welcome to the board. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would welcome a hosting site for a mod-db. However, we've heard this promise two times before (see here ( and here ( , so please excuse us if we seem gunshy.

Thank you for offering, and I hope you are able to commit to your offer!
04-07-2004, 4:10 PM
haha I understand man, I just started work on it a few minutes ago, by this I mean grabbing all of the current mods/utils to my hd and u/ling them to the server db along with all of your homepage links. Hopefully I'll have an integrated db done by the end of today, with author/homepage, name of util/mod, filesize, filename, and description. Going to conjur up a javachat IRC client real quick too that will attach to my network, so if any of you feel like chatting realtime in a #kotor or something of the sort we can. I'll keep you posted, no worries. ;)
04-07-2004, 4:15 PM
too true, thres been alot more than two discussions about this. Someone even got as far as making the absic build for the site but it never got finsished, hopefully this'll b it.
04-07-2004, 5:18 PM
Indeed it shall, it won't be anything all too fancy right away, I'm not sure as to how many of you are on broadband or not, otherwhy's it would be mostly flash, anyhow I'll let you know when it's completed, no b.s. quarter done junk templates or anything. bbs. ;)
04-07-2004, 5:54 PM
Welcome uru try checking out the RPG forums they are fun.
04-08-2004, 1:31 AM
Alright I'm almost done here, linking up screenshots, and writing descriptions. Obviously I hope none of you mind that I'm using most of your exact descriptions for your mod's, you all have credit stated anyway. Once that's completed I'll get the chat running and the index's will be uploaded. Just keeping all of you posted. _pun.. .intended?_ :P
04-08-2004, 2:35 AM
Welcome to the Forum. I am looking forward to seeing the site. I just hope you are committed to making and maintaining a site of this type.

Forgive some of us that seem skeptical, myself included> It's just that In the short Active history of this Forum There have been alot of promises made, but they never followed though. I get the sense your different though. *crosses fingers* here's hoping :)
04-08-2004, 2:40 AM
Thanks for the welcoming. :>
Well the descriptions is taking a bit longer than I thought it would, just finished it up now for the mod's page. I have no problem what so ever with hosting this for everyone, but in all honesty and logic if people want their mod's/ss's/scripts hosted on it they'll have to feed me their updates when they occur, I won't be able to search them out daily, so in a sense, I do my part, you guys do yours, fair enough. :P
04-08-2004, 2:44 AM
uru it will not let me on the site.
04-08-2004, 3:16 AM
I haven't uploaded the indexes yet. I can't stand making unfinished stuff public. Working on some chat variables, should be up soon, I'll post everything here don't worry! :P
04-08-2004, 3:30 AM
Originally posted by uru
if people want their mod's/ss's/scripts hosted on it they'll have to feed me their updates when they occur

This is exactly what many have wanted all along, just a place where they could upload files to. I don't see a problem with asking people to submit mods. That makes the most sense.

How are you arranging the mods. Aare just going to start by haveing a couple pages with pic(if possible) and the mod or are you planning of making sometype of searchable data base down the road.
04-08-2004, 4:20 AM
Well it's about to go live here momentarily. A searchable db will defenitely be something to do maybe even as soon as a few days or so, I just through this together and got sidetracked a few times unfortunately. The Java chat is up and working, and everything else is listed in the order they appeared in the stickies, I know I should've at least alphabetized them sorry. :P


Kotor Mod Mainframe (

I'll add more to the graphical part of the site later, at least we have something to work with. ;)

*edit* Also feel free to give any suggestions or criticisms, I already double checked all links and the chat so no need to be too frantic. But I'm definitely open to opinions and scrutiny. ;)
04-08-2004, 6:40 AM
Should we contact you via the Contact page if we need to update something or...?

I need to update something already.
04-08-2004, 11:46 AM
well whatever you want to do, just email with whatever update you want parsed into the db, maybe today I'll work on a search by author, that would be the easiest cleanest way to go about it.

At any other rate, any suggestion on the interface or anything else?
 Break Ya Neck
04-08-2004, 12:21 PM
uru, you rock man.
Great site and keep up the good work
srry for my bad english
04-08-2004, 12:34 PM
sweet mate, are you going to divide it into sub catogaries though???
04-08-2004, 1:49 PM
well shoot me some ideas, if we make this more of a community project it will be all the more worthwhile. I just read tk102's post in another thread about integrating the attachments mod from phpBB,, I already have phpBB and IPB running on the server, the only problem would be how to instantly integrate it into the web interface already established. Personally I don't mind adding them manually but it's up to you guys so give me some ideas. About the sub categories, what would you like to see to make the interface more easily navigatable, ie. WHAT sub categories. ;)
04-08-2004, 2:31 PM
Welcome Uru. Your project looks promising.

Here is a general idea of the kind of sub-categories that you could have.

- lightsabers
- armor and clothes
- other weapons
- other


Additions to storyline (additional sidequests)

New npcs


I know that T7 has been working on regrouping all the mods so perhaps he has a better idea of what those categories should be.
04-08-2004, 3:05 PM
ah very good thank you Darth333, I'll wait for additional input from him also and then I'll get to work on the regroups. Thanks!
04-08-2004, 3:07 PM
I also have reread the posts about MOTOR, is this still the general consensus? I can rename it no problem. If anyone would like to work on a more legit looking banner (:P) for MOTOR feel free to send them, I'll get up SS's and let the community vote on what banners, or just randomize them. ;)
04-08-2004, 4:16 PM
Originally posted by uru
I also have reread the posts about MOTOR, is this still the general consensus? I can rename it no problem. If anyone would like to work on a more legit looking banner (:P) for MOTOR feel free to send them, I'll get up SS's and let the community vote on what banners, or just randomize them. ;)

That was a long time ago...I' m afraid that if we start this discussion again we may not get anywhere. Wihtout wanting to debate this question I would go for something simple like Kotor Mods (for me, MOTOR sounds like car stuff). But you decide.
04-08-2004, 4:50 PM
Great start on your site!

Everyone who I've bugged about hosting, I guess I found my answer.

I agree some some of the previous posters that you should categorize the mods eventually. Although KoTOR modding isn't as big as some other games, it still would be a good feature to have ready. You never know....
04-08-2004, 5:14 PM
TK incase you didn't receive the response yet I've updated your per your request mail.

Yeah grouping will be no problem at all, I'll hop to it as soon as I finalize what the categories will actually be. Thanks for all the great feedback guys!

About MOTOR I'm not really too concerned with the name at this point, it's utterly up to you guys, the offer stands on a banner so I guess whoever makes the best one will recreate the name of the site per the banner name. ;P
04-08-2004, 7:24 PM
As for grouping ideas:

I would stick with general categories for the moment:

ie: Characters, Equipment, Environment, Cheats & Trainers.

If the community takes off, the it might make sense to sub categorize a bit, but for now there aren't enough modders out there to support that kind of library.
04-08-2004, 7:32 PM
Well that sounds fair enough, at the moment I'm going through tut's to make my first attempt at retexturing two new sabers, going to go easy and start with a dark sage colored, and a midnight blue one. Through both of your thoughts I think I can group the mods well enough, I'll begin work once I've learned what I want to know or get p.o'd enough to take a break. Thanks again. ;):3headed:
04-09-2004, 1:20 AM
Well I've retextured 3 thus far, the first one turned out all f'd but sort of cool in a sense, made the white inner part transparent on accident :p. Anyhow I have them retextured but haven't made them into new sabers yet because I'm not quite sure how. Going to sleep for a bit, then I'll research it further and do the regroups. Cheers, everyone.
04-09-2004, 2:05 PM
ok mod regroups are completed, tell me what ya think. ;)
04-09-2004, 2:58 PM
Looks good to me. I think I would add another category to add the possibility to search by author.

Also wanted to let you know about lil'jawa's Darth Revan reincarnate mod: the "Dantoine fix" is just a patch for this mod so you should put them in the same category.
04-09-2004, 3:15 PM
Alright thanks I was unaware as I have not tried all of them just yet, I'll fix it now.

The search by author will be added to the original mod_index.html, and go to a query answer page different from ones I have setup now. I have some stuff to do today but I'll begin work on the search by author Monday or _possibly_ some time this weekend if I can. :D

**edit** k it's fixed now. ;)
04-11-2004, 11:22 PM
Awesome! Thanks Uru!

PS Look behind you--a three headed monkey! ;)
04-12-2004, 12:18 PM
haha no problem man. TK your tools are updated, thanks for the email. Regarding earlier about your post and the attachments mod, you think it might be worth it to redo the layout in MX System, add the mod, and just have it dump into a static mod directory to await being integrated?
04-12-2004, 6:49 PM
Are you talking to me about the attachment mod? If so, I was referring to the use of phpBB (php Bulletin Board). Is your webpage driven by a database and a script interpreter or is it static?
04-12-2004, 7:26 PM
I know what you were talking about, I mentioned a redo of the layout through phpBB with MX-System ( along with the attachments mod, and yes I have mysql running along with php, the page itself is just running from the static setup that was configured with apache.
04-12-2004, 8:52 PM
In that case, yeah, definitely go for it. I don't know if you've run a bulletin board before but it's pretty fun and teaches you a lot about SQL, server-side networking, and php.

And you can use my lame "Add Moderate Button" mod that I submitted to phpBB-DB. :p
04-12-2004, 9:21 PM
ive got a pack of items which include:
exar kuns padawan sabre
exar kuns dark jedi robes
exar kuns sith amulet

what email should i send em to to get em hosted on your site.
04-12-2004, 9:22 PM
yeah I've run quite a few, only 2 using phpBB though the rest were through IPB, which I still think has better features alongside admincp! anyway :P, yeah MX-Sys is newer and I haven't dove into it yet so it should prove interesting, thanks for the input once again. ;)
04-12-2004, 9:23 PM
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