ok, here we go and I dont know why I havent asked before:
1-- when you make music on your map, can it be a .mp3 or does it HAVE to be .wav?
2-- when I make a trigger_kill and set the dmg to -1 it just adds one health to the guy really fast until he hits the ground and dies. why?
1 - can be either
2 - -1 is for fall damage, best for pits.
yeah, I put -1 but it just adds health to him, bo black, no kill, no anything but adding health
:edit: oh yeah, and do you need to apply tthe music to all the brushes or just one?
if you select any normal brush it = worldspawn
for more info on worldspawn i think richdiesal did a page on it
I just realised there is no trigger_kill....where did that come from?
Make a brush, cover it in the system/trigger texture, right click and turn it into trigger_hurt. Set dmg to -1 to cause fade death.
oh yeah, sorry, thats what I mean wade, and I think that means one brush, right? ok thanks
:edit: ok so I still need help with the falling, I got the music to work :edit:
heres what I got and it still wont work
classname trigger_hurt
dmg -1
spawnflags 8
:edit: thats a brush covering the bottom half of a pit thing and it has a trigger texture(if that helps)
what is this? four posts in a row?? thats really sad, please someone help.
anyways, I reset the entity and did nothing but the dmg -1, so now my trigger looks like this:
classname trigger_hurt
dmg -1
and it still won't work..
please help; this is driving me of the edge...
Are you doing this in single player? If that's the case there is a spawnflag FALLING and you set a key/value called count to determine how long it should last.
no, this is MP, and I still need help
Send me a test map of what you're doing, if you can just re-create the problem in a box room so I can see why it keeps failing for you. Send to wade[at]stargatemods.com
will do, check your e-mail:)
I just compiled that map without changing it and it worked, instant death via falling and the screen fading to black. You are compiling this in GTK with it set to Jedi Academy right?
what??? I dont know why It wont work for me, and I think got it set to jedi acadamy, but Im not sure, how would I know?:(
when you start up radient
make sure it MP in file/project settings
Actually, yesterday when I posted the above, I went into radiant and was looking around and checked the project settings to see about the paths and such to make sure it was JA (like wade said) and I saw I WAS set to SP instead of MP, I think my brother might have gotten on and messed around with stuff or something, so anyways, sorry, I tell you if it works when I bsp..