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How do I get started scripting

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04-07-2004, 12:18 AM
Ok, I know several programming languages so this shouldn't be that hard for me. Now, how do I get started. Is there source code that you extract with kotor? Or, do you have to decompile it somehow.

any help would be appreciated in getting me started :)

thanks in advance.
04-07-2004, 12:34 AM
I'm probably not the best person to answer this but you will find useful stuff in the nwscript.nss file.
04-07-2004, 1:19 AM
I haven't really looked into it but it looks like C++ to me. Which is no use at all as when it comes to OO languages I only know Java and PHP (yes its OO people, its not just for dodgy web apps).
04-07-2004, 1:49 AM
If you learn well by example, take a look at scripts.bif -- it contains a good collection of script sources used by the game, including nwscript.nss which is the function decalaration script for swkotor.exe. For external resources, take a look at T7's sticky post -- he has a link to NWN Scripting Forum which contains numerous tutorials. Also of note is NWN Lexicon ( which a user's reference for scripting NWN. Not all the functions available to NWN are available to KotOR and vice versa, but it does give some extra commentary and information on data types that nwscript.nss doesn't provide.
04-07-2004, 10:49 PM
what do I use to compile?? Will gcc work fine?
04-08-2004, 4:21 AM
You'll need to download HazardX's Script Compiler (nwnnsscomp.exe). It's command line. The link for it is available on Kitty Kitty's sticky thread.

Btw, scripting is a lot of fun and is where almost all the power of the game is. Have fun and post screenshots (
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