is it possible to do a new underwear skin for carth we have all seen the bastilla one how bout one for carth ;)
Hax : someone could do a full body set of pajamams for him that look baggy and loose so we dont get "muscley carth" ~shudders~
Hmm, now that I wouldn't mind :p
Well, with a little re-skinning job it could be done...
After all, at moment you can't only do re-textures .
Originally posted by Hax0redCardz
Not if there's a god...
your just scared his is bigger than yours
Originally posted by sithchick
your just scared his is bigger than yours \
Hmm, you are referring to his biceps, right? :)
hahaha, this thread is going south for the winter ;-)
"Not if there's a god..."
Yes, there is a God; and I'm thankful to Him.
Thank you.
you could create new dialog,
When male you say "mines bigger"
When female "is that it?"
why the hell does anyone wanna mod his underwear, kinda perverted. I meen its a computer game character!!!!
why the hell does anyone wanna mod his underwear, kinda perverted. I meen its a computer game character!!!!
Women, their all perverts!
yes but without women ..........oh could KEEP there money :D
with out women youd have a relationship with your right hand and youd probabley screw the relationship up aswell.
When we women want to see a nude skin we're perverts but when you men want to see bastilla naked its ok??
Sithchick said:
Is it possible to do a new underwear skin for carth
The answer to your question is yes, it's possible, but you'll probably have to do it yourself since there doesn't appear to be much support for it. :)