I'm trying to bring back the cut-out dialogues from the famous "Kill Carth" conversation on the Star Forge. So far I've changed the sta_carth.dlg file so that he will say the stuff about loving you, and you are given the option of killing Bastila.
Well, here's the problem: when Bastila turns hostile, I drop out of the conversation, and kill her, I can't talk to Carth again -- trying to talk to him will only get him to turn to me and do nothing. I've tried splitting up sta_carth.dlg into two parts; before Bastila goes hostile and after she gets killed, and attached a script to Bastila's OnDeath to initiate the new 2nd dialog file with Carth, called sta_carth2.dlg. Still no luck.
I've already updated the User Def Struct values to fit with the new Field Indexes in both sta_carth.dlg and sta_carth2.dlg, and changed the Index values (Index as in Active, Index, IsChild) of the dialogs to point to the new Field Indexes. What am I doing wrong? Is there any way to do this without splitting the dialog file?
Maybe you can paste the script of Bastila's OnDeath event so we can see where it goes wrong.
Nevermind, I took a look at the StartingList of sta_carth.dlg and found that Carth's talking after Bastila's death is activated by a script called k_ptsa_carthrom4. Silly me... didn't have to split up the dialog in the first place. The script's in there, but I don't think it actually has anything inside.
Being a complete scripting neophyte, how would I go about writing a script that would trigger an entry in the StartingList of a conversation?
i wish i had a mod like this
Err, might I ask, why messing up the game so much? :D
Works perfectly for me. ;)