ok, I must be really stupid but I cannot figure out why this wont work!
My vehicles wont respawn and I dont know why, I have searched and search and found all the "easy" tutorials but they wont work, can anyone help? like maybe and msn and walk me through it? or just explain it super super easy as if to a super n00b?( I probably could be called one at any rate)
please help (The unworkingness BURNS!!!!)
You're telling me after the super easy tutorial from Raven about respawning vehicles and the 10's of threads in which we've re-wrote what it means...you STILL can't look at in image and just copy over the values?! That's all it is..look at the image on the tutorial and copy the values PRECISELY...then once it works and you have swoops you can change values.
I KNOW, thats why Im so agrivated, I copied them exactly and it still wont work!:(
Are you using the latest versions of everything?
Ive got the latest version of GTK, I don't know about behave ed (is that how you spell it?)
If you copy the tutorial exactly you shouldn't need to use BehaveEd....
yeah I know, but I saw one tutorial that had something about using it so I though I would put that I DO have it