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How can i make a force power target npc's ?

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03-23-2004, 9:20 AM
i've already figured it out how to make destructive force powers appear where the heal power is .. but how do i make them target npc's?...without changing the faction id of the chars..does anyone know how to do this ?

03-23-2004, 10:01 AM
do you want to harm the players on your team or people not in your team ?

if the people not in your team are the ones you mean check the other powers to see what they call on and try that ,

if you mean the ones in your party see what heals affects and copy that
03-23-2004, 10:06 AM
thanx for the part of hurting party chars...but i still don't understant how it works with targeting...i edited force kill...and now all i can do is killing's really funny... :D
03-23-2004, 9:12 PM
It sounds like you're going to have to delve into k_inc_force.nss and do some interesting scripting to get that to work properly. I'm not sure how you target a specific NPC in your party since normally you need a hostile indicator to target a creature with a force power. Friendly force powers are generally Area effect or Self effect.

Just glancing at k_inc_force.nss, you could modify the Destory Droid portion of the SP_RunForcePowers subroutine to affect T3M4 and HK47 swiftly enough --
Here's part of the original

//Start going through all hostile droids around the primary target
object oSecond = GetFirstObjectInShape(SHAPE_SPHERE, 6.0, GetLocation(oTarget), FALSE, OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE | OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE);
if(oSecond != oTarget && GetIsEnemy(oSecond) && GetRacialType(oSecond) == RACIAL_TYPE_DROID)

If you change the if statement to
if(oSecond != oTarget && GetRacialType(oSecond) == RACIAL_TYPE_DROID)
that should do it...

And may I say, only someone who is very dark would do something like that to poor T3. :maul:
03-24-2004, 6:52 AM
oh...i'd gladly would destroy t3...but i couldn't hurt hk47 :D

tk102 thanx for all the help .. but i'm really not good at scripting...maybe i'll just wait until someone will think about this as well...all i know is that those sith on manaan are really annoying :D
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