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Where the hell is everyone???

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03-22-2004, 8:11 PM
well ive been wondering for a while. Alot of the major modders have jsut vanished, not a word from them. It seems that from about 2 weeks ago they went from being constant posters to non exhistent, anybody know whats going on???? some are:

kitty kitty
Jules Windu
L'il jawa

thats to name just a few.
so, does anyone, anywhere know what there doing? and whats happening with some of the bigger mods they were making?
03-22-2004, 8:45 PM
bump, someone must know!!!!!
03-22-2004, 9:59 PM
I was wondering about it too! :confused:
03-22-2004, 10:30 PM
I was working on one rather big project. However, that project had to be cancelled since the story writters are very busy with their work. I have not heard from them again even until now, so basically that project is cancelled now.

I am not working on anything right now as I am out of idea of what to make. There was a thread sometimes ago about a fan fiction continuation of the dark side ending. I tried to put that into a mod but unfortunately it has a lot of cutscenes that are filled with actions. Making cutscenes, although possible, takes quite some time, so I decided not to make it. Perhaps if someone has a fan fiction that is more dialog based, I will work on that.
03-23-2004, 5:58 AM
Well I have mostly been trying out new things, and for a couple weeks there I didn't know what I wanted to make. Right now Im building a sorta All-in-one mod. I am also looking foward to Fred releasing his area editor In KT(I started on an area but I got discouraged when I realized how many coords I would have to find in game)

Hey gameunlimited If you want to try something that is a little ambitious you can try and make the scene where Carth redemes a female Reven on the Starforge
When Carth comes to stop Reven instead of killing him you have the choice of returning to the light .then you kill bastila and Reven and Carth stay on the starforge as it plunges into the Star from the Republic fleets onslought.

All of the Resources are there. The dialog is written the VO's are Recorded( I have listened to it, I just can't rember what folder edit:the VOs are in streamwaves-->m45aa-->cart02 their in) you just have to get it to work. :D I will help in any way I can. I just think the Carth redemeing Reven Is a much better LS ending than the corny typical Star wars ending. Plus it gives the game a darker feel, which I think it needed.

I have no idea where L'il jawa went to. jawa kind disapeared around the same time as a few others and Talchia was busy making mods then he stopped sometime after he made areana 1.1

Maybe there just hanging around other Forums or they just got bored of modding KotOR. I haven't even seen lil' jawa post in his own Forum sinse late january early febuary.
03-23-2004, 6:36 AM
T7, you mean there are more VOs that the game contains but are not accessible through normal playing? That would be cool if there are indeed some. I have never played a female character to a completion, so I am not too sure how is the ending like but I will check this out.
03-23-2004, 6:44 AM
:D it's amazing what can be found if you dig a little . HA HA HA, HO HO HO. lol
03-23-2004, 7:11 AM
i'm not sure if this is exactly what you are talking about, when i warped to the end of the starforge to try out the dance dance malak cheat when the character walks back out to the hawk for the final dialogue, i think it is the one you are talking about, as i was given the option to kill carth, or be redeemed by him (i choose to kill him tho, so i could be wrong) and i just happened to be using a female character. you should try it out and see if they are the same VOs you found, because in that case everything is already half done for you, you just need to make it happen after actually beating malak instead of the dance dance cheat (the force works in... umm... mysterious ways)
03-23-2004, 8:03 AM
From what I have read is that you can't let carth redeme a female reven.

Im gonna have to go though the dialog again, but I think it was purposefully leftout. Bioware probly didn't have time to make a third cutscene. Though the way it ends all that is needed is the final scene of the starforge falling into the star then it would go to credits with some ominous music.
03-23-2004, 1:48 PM
Would be nice also if someone could make the meeting with Deadeye Duncan on Mannan happen. It doen't add much to the storyline but after playing the game so many times it would be fun to see this stuff. All the ressources are there too. Just don't know how to do this. Or if someone wants to give me indications on how to do this, I could try to do it by myself - results not guaranteed :)
05-14-2004, 12:22 PM
if someone could make the meeting with Deadeye Duncan on Mannan happen
To do this, extract the .git file. Open it up in CamEdit and export the .camlist. Then open the .git in GFF editor and add duncan's utp to the CreatureList. Save. Re-open the .git in CamEdit and import the .camlist. Save.
Extract everything else from the manm26ad rims and repackage them all as a .mod file using KotOR Tool. Name the mod file manm26ad.mod and put it in your modules directory.

This thread is ironic in its title.
05-14-2004, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by tk102
To do this, extract the .git file. Open it up in CamEdit and export the .camlist. Then open the .git in GFF editor and add duncan's utp to the CreatureList. Save. Re-open the .git in CamEdit and import the .camlist. Save.
Extract everything else from the manm26ad rims and repackage them all as a .mod file using KotOR Tool. Name the mod file manm26ad.mod and put it in your modules directory.

This is an old thread... I did it long ago! And no need to make a new module: all the files are arlready available in the module :)

This thread is ironic in its title.
05-14-2004, 7:24 PM
Oh that would be awesome if someone could get the third ending running.

If I remember right there was also supposed to be some narration where it explains that they died as heroes. Not sure if they actually recorded it though, seeing as how the ending wasn't put in the game. It may just have been part of the cut scene they didn't make.
05-14-2004, 7:43 PM
Originally posted by Sarendipity
Oh that would be awesome if someone could get the third ending running.

If I remember right there was also supposed to be some narration where it explains that they died as heroes. Not sure if they actually recorded it though, seeing as how the ending wasn't put in the game. It may just have been part of the cut scene they didn't make.

I think it's been done. I never tired it but you can look at this thread:
05-14-2004, 7:50 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
I think it's been done. I never tired it but you can look at this thread:

yup thats the one, and it's a cool ending.
05-14-2004, 10:22 PM
There are many pieces of dialogue that were left out of the game.

1)On the Leviathan.
I found dialogue in the streamwave files that indicated that when your chosen rescuer on the Leviathan came upon the Medical Bay, he/she would find a wounded female Sith soldier. Apparently you could convince her (through persuasion, Force persuasion, or threats) to help you get past some 'security doors' and 'security checkpoints' or something like that, in order to make it to the bridge.

2)On the Leviathan.
Right as the Ebon Hawk was pulled into the hangar bay of the Leviathan, some officers would be talking about how they had now caught the 'three important ones' and that they should search the ship to find any others. They also mentioned vaporizing the ship if the crew didn't come out peacefully.

3)Announcer at Swoop races.
Apparently, there was supposed to be an announcer (with the same voice as the announcer from the Taris dueling arena), who would be talking during swoop races on Tatooine and possible even Manaan. He would announce your progreess and what you were up against.

4)Hidden ending.
As previously mentioned, there were supposed to be two different possible endings for a female Revan.

I'm sure there are even more pieces of left-out dialogue to be uncovered...
05-14-2004, 10:36 PM
I just relocated the files I mentioned.

You can find the streamwaves for the injured female Sith soldier if you open "m40ab" and then "injo08". Try it.

Also, look in "m17ae" to find a bunch of dialogue from some people who never made the cut into the game. The first file in there is the announcer's. All that dialogue is from the Swoop Registration area on Tatooine.

Finally, look in "m40aa" and then in "cuts01" to find the Leviathan Hangar Bay dialogue.
05-14-2004, 10:51 PM
cool, good find. Soulmaster

#4. is now a playable ending now.
05-15-2004, 4:49 AM
where can i find the progam that lets you listen to the sound files???
05-15-2004, 5:54 AM
Radtools ( let you listen to most sound files.

edit oops sry you need Miles sound tools (
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