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Can't connect to any server

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03-16-2004, 6:37 AM
This is really annoying. When I try to connect to a server, it just doesn't do anything. It gets stuck at the Waiting for Connection bit. When refreshing my server list, I get nothing but IP addresses. This happens intermittently, it seems. Sometimes it's fine, then it goes into long periods of failing to get anything. I don't even get any error messages, I just can't connect. My Internet connection is working perfectly, just in case anyone's about to make that suggestion. What seems to be wrong here?
03-16-2004, 8:15 AM
Just use gamespy (i think its included if im not wrong).

But the All Seeing Eye ( is better.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
03-16-2004, 8:46 AM
Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop
First, make sure you have downloaded the 1.01 patch (

If you have already done that or if it still doesn't work, you probably have a firewall\router problem. It is blocking the server information from reaching your computer.

Turn off software firewalls like Zone Alarm, Norton, etc.

If you are behind a router, open ports 29060-29062 and 29070-29081
03-17-2004, 12:38 AM
If you are behind a router, open ports 29060-29062 and 29070-29081

Two things: I'm using ASE, but that doesn't solve the problem of not being able to connect to any servers. Also, Amidala of Chop Shop (love your servers) how do I get those ports open? I'm operating on a Linksys router.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
03-17-2004, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by Relle
Two things: I'm using ASE, but that doesn't solve the problem of not being able to connect to any servers. Also, Amidala of Chop Shop (love your servers) how do I get those ports open? I'm operating on a Linksys router.

Check your router's documentation, but briefly:

1. Using your browser, enter the router's address on your network (usually something like You usually have to enter a login like "admin" and a password like "password".

2. You will get a menu page. Go to the Port Forwarding section.

For Linksys routers, read this
03-17-2004, 1:00 AM
I can further help since I use a Linksys Router.. after going to and typing admin into the password field (leave the username blank), you will need to go to the advanced tab, and then click forwarding at the top, and thats where you specify the ports to open as well as whether its for UDP, TCP or BOTH, and the IP to tie into the ports. after setting all that click APPLY and see how that goes for ya.
03-17-2004, 4:27 AM
My router doesn't quite work like that. The things you describe are in a tab called Special Apps. I have a port range for Outgoing Control and Incoming Data, and for each one I can select either UPD or TCP, but not both. How should I set this up, then?
03-17-2004, 4:34 AM
Also, an unrelated question for Amidala: what happened to the JA insta-gib server? Will it return, or do I have to reinstall Outcast?
03-17-2004, 8:59 PM
In addition to "opening" or "forwarding" the required ports, if you have an option for "DMZ" you need to turn that "On" and input the IP of your router.

Also, I assume you have the official 1.01 patch installed right?
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