I have noticed that Sabers have a lot of properties.
I'm interested no in "how to make new saber"... but the PROPERTIES of existing sabers... the ones that are originaly included in the game.
I wasn't able to find any specification for them except a files with all the same PROPERTIES for all sabers... but this is not true, since the sabers have diference.
Can someone help.. ?
Which properties are you referring to that aren't in the .sab files?
Yes.. you are right.
I'm talking about these:
singleBladeStyle, singleBladeThrowable
... and other ones.
I saw in the SOURCE files that tey are redade from SABERS.CONF, but I wasn't able to find this file in the SOURCEs or in the PAK files.
SABERS.CONF? Which OS are you playing the game on?
I play on Windows XP.
But I may be wrong about this file "SABERS.CONF".
I saw this in a remark in the code.. that is why I thought that this should be the file.
So, where can I find the Saber specifications? not hese files
(asset_1\ext_data\sabers), but the original sabers spec.
Those are the original saber specs. Or are you talking about the defaults given if they aren't listed in the .sab files?
... but the PROPERTIES of existing sabers... the ones that are originaly included in the game.
I wasn't able to find any specification for them except a files with all the same PROPERTIES for all sabers... but this is not true, since the sabers have diference.
Yes, I'm interested in saber's properties that are originally included in the game.
The ones that are used in the original Single and MP games.
You know... Katarn, Sentinel.. and etc.
Where can I find their properties ?
Well, sabers.sab holds a lot of them. However, I seem to remember that the Katarn saber has a different idle animation than the others. That's probably hardcoded since I don't see that in the listing for that saber.
Maybe I don't express myself clear.. sorry about that.
In the sabers.sab file I can only find bunch of sabers (Yoda's, Desann, Luke .. and etc.)
But I can't find the Player's sabers.
The sabers like:
Katarn, Arbiter, Retaliator, Consul, Adept, Preator, Sentinel... and etc.
There are 10 Single sabers and 6 dual... which the player can select from the game (originaly).
Theyr animation and skin can be found there "asset_1\ext_data\sabers"... but not their properties.
I have read the code JKA Source - vc6/vc7.net/linux from Lucasfiles.. but still wasn't able to see the saber spec.
I only have fid that they are loaded from "sabers.conf"... but the file was missing.
So, OK.. I understand about the Katarn... but what about specifications of the remaining ones.. ? Sentinel,Firebrand.. and etc. ?
They are actually called single_1-9 and dual_1-6
That should point you in the right direction.
I know this..
But if you open these files you will only see all the same sabers..
I mean there is no difference at all., but in the game they have differences... like:
Sentinel could break Kata,
Firebrand makes damage on each throw..
and etc.
So, here is the question again...
Where can I find the actuall specification for the original sabers?
If they are indeed different with-in the single player game. Then it'll be defined in the single player SDK. Which we don't have nor will we ever have. But it won't be in the MP SDK because all the bonuses and what not are defined in the .sab's