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don't for get the New JA+ bitrate calculator v1.1 made by accident
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What is new in this version?
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- Highlander FFA Gametyme Modification :Every player begins the Map with jp_highlanderStartingLives lives. (the max force rank is jp_highlanderMaxForceRank)
Each player is immortal. So, you will really kill him if his Number of lives is 0.( you will see a Quickening)
Then each kills, increases the number of lives and the force level of the player with the force level of your victime (like in the movie).
WHen you die and your amount of lives is 0, you become a ghost.
At the end, only 2 players are alive and the final duel begins.
then the map restart for a new highlander game.
/immortal give to the player the list of all player who are still alive
in this gametype, admin don't see by default ghosted people and the word Highlander is appended to the servername so that player can easily find highlander FFA Modification
jp_highlanderFinalDualTimeLimit : when there are 2 players still alive, they have jp_highlanderFinalDualTimeLimit min to kill themself before the level exit.
ammap HL mp/ffa3 => change the map in Highlander ffa modification
- BitRate Calculator by Accident included in the ZIP Mod file: it will calculate the admin command disable, poll disable, lock team, force power disable, Emots disable, and weapon disable .
then during the game u always can use the rcon cmd admtoggle, forcetoggle or , amlockteam,
- jp_allowAmDropSaber : allow/disallow the use of amdropsaber cmd.
- Vote failed or PAssed are now based on the number of voting players and not all players. And the Results of the number of Yes/no is now writen.
- NEw DFA Improved : your enemy must be really in front of u.
- God Chat now works only in FFA
- jp_inactivityProtectTimer : player become protected after this timer in second(Works only in FFA). while protected, you make a com_link anim.
- g_allowNPC : cheat protection removed. if g_allowNPC is 0, the NPC cmd is allowed only if your admin rank allow this cmd.
In cheat servers, NPC is allowed for All execpt if g_allowNPC is 0.
- New player entering the game can't see the ghosted people any more.
- jp_allowEmots replaced with jp_emotDisallow . this new cvar represent the bit values of all disallowed emots. (add the bit values)
- start_japlus_autoRestart_dedicatedServer.bat : script that will autorestart your server if it crashes. IT Uses the raven dedicated server pack for windows.
open it with bloc note to learn how to install it.
this script will restart imediately your server only if the microsoft internet bug report is desactivated.
- fix : player now can't emot while being slept or punished. ampoll cannot be used by every players any more (only admin).
- jp_endDuelBroadcastMSG (0,1 or 2 default 1): control the broadcast of the end duel message
** 0 , no display of end duel messages
** 1 ; message is broadcasted to eveybody
** 2 , message is only displayed to the duelers.
-jp_removeDistanceDuelLimit : remove/allow distance duel limit (duel stop if dueler are not close to each other).
-Admin Abuse Detection : jp_antiAdmAbuseTimer : if 0 the antiabuse detection is desactivated. if not 0, you always can execute a cmd on yourselves
without entering in abuse detection except several cmds.
Admin abuse are logged in games.log
In rcon there is no restrictions.
During this time, admin can use only jp_antiAdmAbuseCmdsNumber times an admin cmd
When u execeed the number of allowed cmds , you have to wait for the end of the timer to be able to use again other cmds.
if jp_antiAdmAbuseNumberB4ban is not 0, after jp_antiAdmAbuseNumberB4ban admin abuse detected, you are admBanned (autologout and you will not be able to use amlogin cmd)
- Player cmd amcolor R G B (concat of CHAR_COLOR_RED , CHAR_COLOR_GREEN , CHAR_COLOR_BLUE )
- Adjust several MP style damages which were too strong.
- jp_fixRoll changed (2 or 1 or 0 default 1):
0 : roll is like basejka patch 1.0.1
1 : roll can be used while gripping like in basejka
2 : Roll come back to a chainable roll like before the patch 1.0.1 and like JK2 roll (roll while gripping is also enable like before the patch)
- new admin cmd /amseeGhost to see/Ignore ghosted people
- amlogout now forces to ignore all ghosted people.
- jp_admScript (1 or 0 default 1) : allow/disallow the use of admin guns, and admCmdPrev,admCmdNext,playerPrev,playerNext,admCmd EXE
- jp_gripSpeedScale : scale factor during grip move
- more cvar for damages control
- fix freezed rancor issue after the first hold.
- fix yellow single dfa damage too hudge at the end of the anim in in MP style damage system
- when an player log in as an admin, there is a glow effect for light force side and electricity effect for dark force side
- Bad word detection system: the bad word detection also control the player name.
All message detected as containing bad words are not sent to other players.
after jp_wordFilterNumberB4punish bad word detections, you are autosilenced...