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ORIGINAL, FULL GAME, CL_ParsePacketEntities error...

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03-06-2004, 5:54 PM
Hey Guys!

I've got the game some time ago, and I've been getting some quite annoying error message that I know there has been a thread on this topic already, but I was unable to post my comment that I HAVE A FULL, ORIGINAL, FROM-THE-SHELF version of the game.Anywaysm if ANYONE has some kind of an idea of how to get rid of this problem I would be quite gratefull(anything: editing, downloading,installing, ANY idea would do it since I would not be happy to stay out this great multiplayer experience)I've even tried other, non-legitim versions and I've got the same error...

I have:
Intel 1700 MHz
256 RAM
LG 52x32x52x combo
Asus GeForce 4 MX440 32 MB


I tried to give all, info I've thought could help.PLEASE HELP!Thanks!
03-06-2004, 6:35 PM
Try uninstall/install. Remove the demo completely if you have it. Then, get the update patch. Don't use any CD cracks etc. Then, try different servers. There are some "bootleg" servers still out there. Hope that helps a little.
03-06-2004, 8:39 PM
A lot of people getting this error own a legit version of the game.

Their problem is they are using CD cracks of some sort that are causing the problem.

First remove all non-legit versions of the game (and remove the demo like he said). Those will just confuse your computer and gunk up your registry with crap.

Remove your cracks (reinstall and re-apply the patch if necessary) and your problems should disappear.

Now after all that when you play the game, put the original CD 1 in the drive where you installed it. That's the surest way to make sure it's working properly.

Obviously CD cracks are not made by Raven or LucasArts, they're made by some guy in his basement and posted on newsgroups for "hacking clubs" that distribute these things. When you use them you're quite literally "on your own."

You can try another server, but the problem you're having is due to a crack/hack. Joining a non-legit server will give you an "Invalid Game Folder" error instead.
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