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Anyone try using the WBA - Swords Pack 1.1 mod in single player? Teh suk!

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03-06-2004, 3:35 AM
The mod with the 30 or so swords(all kinds of stuff from the Kill Bill sword to the Buster Sword from FFVII). Cool mod and all, but has anyone tried using it in single player? I swear it's broken. That first bad jedi you fight int he first level.. he can't be killed with this stupid mod! I'd hit him like 20 times, pull off 4 or 5 perfectly aimed roll-stabs, just solid shot after solid shot, and the guy wouldn't go down. Then I go and remove the mod to bring back regular lightsabers, try him agian, and kill him easily.

What gives? I've tried it with many swords of different shapes and sizes, but no dice, they just don't work right. I mean they connect cuz I can kill the lizard things and the two stormtroopers just fine, but it's like they got no damage to them or something.
 El Sitherino
03-06-2004, 3:48 AM
It works fine for me.
03-07-2004, 9:52 PM
Is it made for SP?

Most of the time these weapon mods are only made for one type (SP or MP) or else there are seperate versions of MP and SP.
03-08-2004, 2:29 PM
Nah the mod description says it's for mp or sp, though I'd imagine it was designed for MP origionally. ^^^^^ Works fine for you, eh? Wonder what's wrong then. Cuz man, I'll do that bit with regular light sabers and it'll be a breeze(I mean cmon, it's the first guy), but I go in with a mod sword, and nada for damage.
03-08-2004, 4:34 PM
Lightsabers do more damage than swords. Everyone knows that.
03-16-2004, 4:57 PM
I'd have to agree with prime there. lightsabers are better (why you would want to use swords is beond me.
anyway I think there is some sort of dammage multiplyer in the .sab file so maybe it has a lower value for the sabers in that mod. try using winzip to change it if your bothered.
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