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Multiplayer? (How do I join a game?)

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03-04-2004, 7:31 PM
How do you join a multiplayer game? i go to join a game but no servers come up even when i click on refresh? whats wrong? can someone help me please?
03-04-2004, 7:47 PM
Make sure you have the last patch (1.02). You should be able to get it at the Lucasarts site. Then check that your connection to the internet is up and good. Also be sure to disable any firewalls that might be blocking the game.
03-04-2004, 8:44 PM
Also, make sure that when you go to Join A Game that the Source: switch at the top is set to Internet.
I think the default is Local, which you'd use to play on a LAN.

Hope that helps,
:) B.
03-05-2004, 10:09 AM
Prime I think you mean 1.01 (unless you were talking about JK2 then it would be 1.04). ; )

See the Dedicated Server forum for more info on hosting/joining games.

"Local" is also used if you join a game that you created and want to join yourself.

Additionally if you run a firewall you should open up your DMZ for games and you may need to open up the following ports:

29060-29099 (or just 29060-29069, 29070-29079) UDP (if UDP alone doesn't work, try "BOTH").

If you use say, Norton Internet Security, give full access to JAMP.exe and JAMPDed.exe as well and you should be set.

Also set the type to what closely matches your internet speed type (dialup vs. broadband or LAN).
03-05-2004, 12:17 PM
Yeah, the firewall is always the #1 culprit :D

You can also use The All Seeing Eye to look for servers, you can get it here (
03-05-2004, 4:01 PM
:o There's a JA Patch 1.02? *didn't think they'd do that* thought there was only 1.01... *loads up lucasarts*
03-05-2004, 4:10 PM
Whoops. My mistake. I guess I really am losing my mind...
03-05-2004, 4:30 PM
Gutted :p

But we all do it :)
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