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Please Help , hard disk crash , lost all my saves !

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03-04-2004, 6:44 PM
Hi ,

I was happily sailing my way through this game when I had a hard drive failure last week and lost all my saves !!

I cant face doing what I have done before , especially vjun 1 with all the acid rain :mad:

I had just started vjun 2 in vaders castle , is there anyone who could send me a game save of the start of vjun 2 (preferably with dark powers) ?

Would be hugely appreciated !!

03-04-2004, 7:40 PM
You'll probably just have to use cheats to skip to where you want to be and give yourself the powers you want. has a complete list of cheats, you can also try the thread "Not Enough Customization" on the first few pages you should find the cheats you desire.
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