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names for inventory in sp

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03-01-2004, 3:25 PM
hi guys i need the names for inventory including the eweb
cloaking device and stationary sheild in single player
please give me this info if you have it:trooper:
03-01-2004, 3:43 PM
Do you mean the specific names to give you those items with cheats?

The EWEB cannon, Cloaking Shield, Stationary Shield, "Big Bacta" and Jetpack are MP only inventory items btw (except for the Jetpack which is an inate ability you get when you change your playermodel to Boba Fett which operates differently than the MP version... the MP version is available only to the Merc Scout class on Siege Desert).

If you just want all the items available to you, use the "give all" cheat and scroll through your inventory, it should show everything. Remember like I said you get different items in MP and SP.

The normal SP inventory items are IR goggles, Macrobinoculars, Bacta tanks, Seeker Remotes, and Assault Sentries.
03-02-2004, 1:43 AM
yes i meen spicific names i have tried everything and the give all
code no luck if the eweb is mp only than why do thay appere in
sp levels please tell me?
03-02-2004, 1:47 AM
E-Webs appear in single player because they're actually part of the map. Only way to use an E-Web in single player is by going to a map that has an E-Web on it and using it.
03-02-2004, 3:34 AM
thanks for the disapionting info guys. shoot:trooper:
if enyone has enything els more encouraging please
03-02-2004, 9:11 PM
He's right. Jetpacks are only in maps if you have Boba Fett in your map (or you turn yourself into him).

The Cloaking Shield is not featured in any map. You can put enemies into your map such as the Imperial Saboteur and Shadowtroopers which use similar devices, but there's no way to use them yourself (short of a few mods I've seen that let you play as one of these characters and just click a button to "go transparent" though no word on if it actually makes you invisible to enemies or is just a cosmetic thing).
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