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Please Fix the Stab Bug!!!!

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02-27-2004, 6:27 PM
It's so frustrating. It works about 1 in every 10 times.

I do a 'c' roll/forward stab, see my saber go right into and through my opponents body and then....nothing happens. No damage, no kill, nothing.

This happens 90% of the time Raven.

Please fix!!
02-27-2004, 6:39 PM
There won't be a patch, as Ford Dye stated in this LevelForge thread (
02-27-2004, 7:48 PM
Hmm, whenever I use it on somebody and see it hit, they either die or are hurt pretty badly (unless they counter it, in which case I'm likely dead).

What is your ping and framerate on these servers where you "get nothing"?

If you play on a server that uses saberdamagescale 2 it should work, as it does on mine an that's what I use.

It's not meant to be an uber move that wins every battle, but it should do damage if it hits a person's body.
02-27-2004, 10:45 PM
My framerate and ping are fine.

I hope there is a patch. This makes the crouch/roll/stab move worthless if the damage model isn't looked at.
 A Jedi
02-27-2004, 11:12 PM
You probably had that problem in a server runing one of those ****ed up mods. That kind of things hapens with every swing there.
02-28-2004, 12:41 AM
...I think he would catch on thast it only messes up when he palys on that...

This makes the crouch/roll/stab move worthless if the damage model isn't looked at.
Well it works for me and i assume it does Kueller and Gothic.
02-28-2004, 5:35 AM
Do you have the latest patch installed? The roll stab seems fine with it. :confused:
02-28-2004, 9:07 AM
Can't say I've had a problem. Rolling is the most tempremental move in the game anyways.
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