Some of you may be aware of the Dirty Pair, the Japanese novel-turned-anime-turned-manga-turned comic series featuring two scantily clad women with large guns who like to blow things up ... what you may not know (and I'm just assuming this, since a search of these forums turned up nothing) is that Max's lovable mug made a cameo in the American comic version (book Sin Hell) I found it while riffling through the merchandice at my local Communist Comic Book Store, and it was certainly a surprise (though perhaps not as much a surprise if it had appeared in any of the Japanese versions).
Got an issue number or date on it or anything? That would be very helpful :)
No, but I found it on Amazon.
BTW, this is offtopic, but do you know what year S&M's Desoto is? I'm trying to find reference pics for a project I'm doing.
Might want to look here ( on my old site... I think its a 1960.
1959 resembles it the best