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My roll move is messed in multiplayer...any help?

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02-24-2004, 7:57 PM
I don't know what it is, but it dosen't even have to be online. Single player is fine, but when I play a multiplayer game(or just playing against comps), my roll just dosen't work! I'll run and press duck, and nadda! It does work like 1 out of 6 or so, and sometimes I'll even get two to work in a row, but most of the time I just go into a crouch/walk.

This happen to anyone else/anyone know how to fix it?
02-24-2004, 10:29 PM
The roll move has slightly different behavior in SP and MP and that's always been the case.

In the 1.01 patch the multiplayer roll was made HARDER to do, requiring more "momentum" and continous key presses (ie you can't just hold the keys down and roll forever like you could before).

To roll do the following... jump or as you're falling from any height: press and hold crouch+forward (or crouch+back or crouch+left/right) while your saber is selected.

You can't roll in MP with any other weapon and you have to press the keys at the same time.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
02-25-2004, 12:39 AM
You can't roll while holding a gun or explosives, only when you have a lightsaber (on or off). If you try rolling while holding a gun, you crouch-walk. Is that why it works sometimes (you had a lightsaber) and not other times (you had a gun)?

xMod2 and JA+ mod allow you to "fix" rolling (i.e. make it like JK2-style rolling). You roll farther, you don't have to "hop" before backrolling, and you can chain rolls by holding down the crouch key.
02-25-2004, 12:09 PM
I noticed its also screwed in SP, i always fail to roll forward especially
02-26-2004, 1:18 PM
Alright, so it's harder then? Thing is, I've had the odd game where it'll work every time I try it. I was dueling this bot and I wanted to see if my roll was working, and it'd work everytime I wanted just like in sp, but then I go to the next duel map, and bam, it'll work occasionlly. So the inconsistancy is kinda confusing.

For as for doing it now, yea it does always work when I do it out of a jump, so that's fine, but it's when I'm just running(yes, with a lightsaber) that it's always deciding to not work. This thing you said could help...

"You can't roll in MP with any other weapon and you have to press the keys at the same time."

... but I don't quite get what you're saying- what keys? Attack and roll at the same time, jump and roll.... ? Cuz what I'm saying is I'll take a good solid, straight run at a guy, go to roll, and I'll just crouch, while other times, if I wanted to be a prick, I could spend an entire duel going nothing but rolling around like an idiot.
02-27-2004, 9:10 AM
Basically in 1.01 MP it's like this:

Press direction+crouch, you roll!

Press it again, nothing happens (you just crouch walk).

Jump, then direction+crouch and you roll!

Press the move again and it doesn't work.

Jump (or fall from something) and then do the movement as you land and it works.

Sometimes it will let you execute a few rolls in a row if you TAP the keys (ie: direction+roll, direction+roll, direction+roll) etc. but it still stops you eventually and you have to "reset" the rolls by doing a jump or falling and landing with the move.

Basically how it was in JK2 (and how it still is in SP) is that you could just press direction+crouch and hold it down... and you'd roll forever.

The way it tends to work out is that the "first roll" is done normally but subsequent rolls require you to jump first, or be doing the move as you land from a short fall. So when in doubt jump up in the air towards your target then execute the move on the ground.

On Rolling Stabs...

The "proper" way to attack roll is this: do a roll and as you are rolling forward press and hold attack. That should work better than trying to tap all three keys at once.

Keep in mind that you 25 force mana points to do a roll attack! (ordinary rolls use no mana)
02-27-2004, 9:48 AM
Originally posted by Kurgan
Keep in mind that you 25 force mana points to do a roll attack! (ordinary rolls use no mana)

That is for MP only ;)
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