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Some questions about fog...

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02-22-2004, 8:18 AM
1. What sort of fog is this (, and how to make it?

2. Does fog affect fps? (How much?)
02-22-2004, 1:08 PM
i think fog increases fps because the engine doesnt have to draw anything past what the fog hides.......
i dont work with fog i think its annoying.
02-22-2004, 1:42 PM
Search for "quake 3" foghull on google or maybe search for foghull here because I'm pretty sure we've covered it before.

And fog can indeed improve FPS in the case of a foghull as it prevents rendering past a pre-specified "hull" around your player, of course you can't notice this because of the fog.
02-22-2004, 4:09 PM
Allrigth, thanks for the info.

But I have one more question, how to do this: mountain, with a cloud around it)

Shall I use fog here as well? And if I should, what sort of fog, and how to make it look good?
02-22-2004, 4:37 PM
Fog can only have one visible side, mostly....anyway it wouldn't work for a cloud very well.

Your best bet is efx files with moving 'clouds', the only problem is this can lower FPS...but it can look very sweet; I never released it but I made a mothership in the stratosphere from which you flew down thru clouds into a different skybox that was at ground level, 2 skyboxes merged thanks to clouds.
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