As far as I've seen, it's not as correct as it should be. I know it would be more work, but I think it having a working hammer and magazine well like the original had would be neat. Also, it looks cooler than JO's Bryar Pistol model if you ask me.
Anyways, discuss your feelings about it. :)
I actually replaced JO's pistol with the MOD's :)
It's just that good :D
Yes, but imagine how much better it could be.
Handguns are actually harder to make than bigger weapons.
Taking it from there, it doesnt work like "just adding a hammer" an additional "barrel" has to be added witch has to be coded in and since theres no SP SDK, thats the best that could be done for SP for the time being ,still, you never know what may happen between now and final release.
raptor alien can u send me that? or tell me how to replace the games bryar with the mods?