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Hidden/Secret levels on JA

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02-20-2004, 3:48 PM
I just finished JA on Xbox. I have to say - either I have grown powerful indeed or Tavion was a wuss! It was much harder to beat her dark minions (especially 3-at-a-time!) than it was to defeat her - even after the shade of ragnos infested her body.

That said, I am now bereft of entertainment - are there any hidden or secret levels on the Xbox version of JA that I can unlock?!?
02-20-2004, 4:28 PM
I don't think so.

If you had the PC version, there would be loads of custom levels and mods to extend the playability of the game, not to mention lots of MP players...
02-20-2004, 5:12 PM
I don't think there are any secrets in JA. I suppose you can try playing through again as a different gender and/or species. Have you tried both light and dark side endings? Maybe you could try a higher difficulty level or a different Force power combination.

Or, if you have Xbox Live! you could play online. Multiplayer can be a lot of fun.
02-20-2004, 10:22 PM
random thot about neverhoodian's picture.....the local band in the falls their hand signature is the thumb, middle, and pinky finger extended the rest are bend in....but there are a lot of MP skins and a lot of hidden areas and what not..... :fett:
02-20-2004, 11:57 PM
Hmmmm, interesting, jebbers. I don't think Viewtiful Joe has any connection with Stemm though since the game was made in Japan.
02-21-2004, 3:43 PM
just a random thought that enters my brain......japan eh.....nifty...... :fett:
02-21-2004, 4:46 PM
yeah, i think tavion was tougher in jk2. Anyone know what that pit level was for in JK2?
02-27-2004, 8:47 AM
'The Pit' level in JK2 was a testing area for the dev team.

It also happens to be an "opportunity" to finally kill Tavion (since you don't get that chance in JK2 SP).

So it's just for fun and testing (easy to test since it's so simple and loads fast). It's the basis for "The Ladder" which too is for fun (but you have to download it).
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