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bug in latest patch doesn't let me connect to servers

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02-19-2004, 5:43 PM
I installed the latest patch and now it searches for servers and nothing comes up. it just keeps searching for servers. none are appearing however.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
02-19-2004, 6:13 PM
Sounds like a firewall problem.

Do you have ZoneAlarm or some other software firewall running? If so, disable it before playing, or tell it to allow your game to access the Internet.

Do you have a router that is acting as a firewall? If so, you need to open ports 29060-29062 and 29070-29081. Read the manual that came with your router for instructions how to do that.
02-20-2004, 10:27 AM
You may also need to turn on your routers DMZ, with the IP of the router.
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