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[SPOILER WEAPON] can it be used in JA?

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02-18-2004, 11:49 AM
Is it possible to play with the Sword of Marka Ragnos ?

Either in MP or in SP ?

Thanks in advance
02-18-2004, 1:52 PM
In SP I believe it can be done using cheats (see "Not Enough Customization" thread).

In MP, no, not without mods.
02-18-2004, 5:09 PM

if you know how to edit assets1.pkg, you can go to the place where they list the Sith_Sword, and have change the the "In multiplayer" toggle to 1. That should have a Sith sword then.

however, that would mean everyone you play with have the same assets1.pkg.

in otherwords, it's quite doable with winzip.
02-18-2004, 6:22 PM
i can select "Glory of The Sith" hilt in certain server, if thats the sword your talking about...thought it acts like lightsaber so lightsaber blade will emerge when ya wanna fight..
02-18-2004, 11:30 PM
whats the weapon/hilt thing like?
02-19-2004, 1:33 AM
Originally posted by Bishuse

if you know how to edit assets1.pkg, you can go to the place where they list the Sith_Sword, and have change the the "In multiplayer" toggle to 1. That should have a Sith sword then.

however, that would mean everyone you play with have the same assets1.pkg.

in otherwords, it's quite doable with winzip.

You do not want to edit any of the .pk3s that came with the game, or patch..... then you cannot connect to any servers. make a new .pk3, dont edit the originals. If im wrong, connect me. Either way, i suggest you dont edit the original files, unless its reversable.
 darth makaan
02-19-2004, 7:09 AM
there's a code to use it. but it freezes when trying to load the next mission screen.
02-19-2004, 7:34 AM
Typing saber sith_sword gives you the sith sword. But typing saber sith_sword sith_sword gives you dual sith swords! :cool:
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