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Rack Up Another for Razor Ace

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02-14-2004, 7:01 PM
I just got my copy of PC Gamer UK (the Feb 2004 issue). I started to flip thru it, and BAM! My JKO FAQ is mentioned on p103. Awesome!

This is now the second time they've mentioned me in PC Gamer UK. Go me!

[/shameless self backpatting]
02-14-2004, 7:06 PM
02-14-2004, 7:52 PM
lol congrats :-)
02-14-2004, 7:59 PM
Damn straight Razorace deserves congratulations! He's da man! :cool:
02-14-2004, 9:35 PM
...damn - how much are you paying those guys Razor?! ;)
No seriously, nice one man. Us British know quality when we see it...

Heh - to think these were the same guys you were contemplating legal action about - one upon a time! lol :D
02-14-2004, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by razorace
I just got my copy of PC Gamer UK (the Feb 2004 issue). I started to flip thru it, and BAM! My JKO FAQ is mentioned on p103. Awesome!

cool can you show a picture of it?
 Jedi Luke
02-14-2004, 10:46 PM
Congrats man! :) It's good to know that work you've done gets mentioned this way.
02-15-2004, 12:08 AM
will motf work with jk3 razor:trooper: :dug:
02-15-2004, 1:00 AM
Last year i sent an e-mail to PC Gamer US about taht dynamicglow thingy, they didnt add my name to the letters or hs&q page. :(
02-15-2004, 4:22 AM
Originally posted by RenegadeOfPhunk
Heh - to think these were the same guys you were contemplating legal action about - one upon a time! lol :D

Uh, what? No, I never contemplated legal action against them. All I did was complain to them when they posted MotF on their cd/mag without asking permission. I never planned legal action because, dude, legal action over something that's non-profit anything is retarded.
02-15-2004, 4:25 AM
Originally posted by RyanTheDarkJedi
will motf work with jk3 razor:trooper: :dug:

No, but I've intergrated basically all of MotF into OJP and most of it's features will be in the next OJP release wave.
02-15-2004, 9:21 AM
Uh, what? No, I never contemplated legal action against them.

Well, I don't mean you got to the stage when you were actually planning anything in detail, but you did at least mention it as a possibility.
...I remember distinctly debating this with you. (i.e. Whether legal action was even worth talking about or not...)

...but anyway - have it your way ;)
...I could dig up that old thread, but I can't be arsed!
02-15-2004, 12:10 PM
Razorace i went to the store just now, i read the lose PC gamer UK febuary issue, i couldnt find your FAQ.

Ah well no matter, i check next time. :)
02-15-2004, 4:46 PM
Hehe. Yeah, its there alright. :thumbsup: Congrats.
02-15-2004, 5:10 PM
Originally posted by RenegadeOfPhunk
Well, I don't mean you got to the stage when you were actually planning anything in detail, but you did at least mention it as a possibility.
...I remember distinctly debating this with you. (i.e. Whether legal action was even worth talking about or not...)

...but anyway - have it your way ;)
...I could dig up that old thread, but I can't be arsed!

Maybe you're thinking of Marker 0077.

Razorace i went to the store just now, i read the lose PC gamer UK febuary issue, i couldnt find your FAQ.

page 103, lower right. It's just a link and a description.
02-15-2004, 5:53 PM
Maybe you're thinking of Marker 0077.

I've just checked, and I was getting you mixed up with Luc Solar. Apologies.
...he was trying to persuade you to sue 'em!...
02-16-2004, 3:23 PM
Originally posted by razorace
I just got my copy of PC Gamer UK (the Feb 2004 issue). I started to flip thru it, and BAM! My JKO FAQ is mentioned on p103. Awesome!

This is now the second time they've mentioned me in PC Gamer UK. Go me!

[/shameless self backpatting] Well done, old bean!
02-16-2004, 4:50 PM
Originally posted by razorace
I just got my copy of PC Gamer UK (the Feb 2004 issue). I started to flip thru it, and BAM! My JKO FAQ is mentioned on p103. Awesome!

This is now the second time they've mentioned me in PC Gamer UK. Go me!

[/shameless self backpatting]

congrats :)
02-17-2004, 3:41 PM
*claps* Impressive... most impressive. Seriously, though, that's pretty awesome. Congrats.
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