and This is a free 3d modeling program by discreet, I think they are the ones that make 3dsmax. I could be wrong since I have no idea what I'm talking about. The other link is a script for Gmax (the free program) that will import .mdl/.mdx's into the program for editing and out for use in the game. The link is dead though. If it ever works, you should give it a try. Although, I doubt it works for Kotor models. I guess we'll never know since the link doesn't work.
I'm pretty sure it won't work, because when it imports MDLs it expects a Quake one.
I'm using a script called NWmax. It is a script for importing NWN .mdl's into gmax. I'm still seeing if it will work. Not much hope though.
Yeah... do you have MSN or AIM Messengers? Get on there and talk to me, we may be able to do something with that script.
Just got AIM. bneezy : I'm on now.